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Dir En Grey Macabre    0.00 If I don't get this one soon, I'll explode. Send Email 
Dir En Grey Gauze    0.00 Diru is my favorite band of the moment, I must own all of their cds! Send Email 
Hide Psycommunity- Best Of Hide    0.00 What a great artist. I was never a huge fan of X-Japan, but I dare you to listen to 'Everfree' and not feel happy. Send Email 
Malice Mizer Vouage Sans Retour    0.00 Love it. Want it. Need it. Send Email 
Malice Mizer Merveilles    0.00 What? They're cheesey, I know, but what decent jrock fan DOESN'T like them? Send Email 
Princess Superstar Ceo    0.00 Who doesn't love Princess? The few tracks I've heard off this are fab. Send Email 
Wanted: CD - 6
Not For Trade
David Bowie Ziggy Stardust    0.00 Y'know what? I like everything by David Bowie. Send Email 
David Bowie Diamond Dogs    0.00 It kicks arse, but it's Bowie so we knew that already. Send Email 
Dir En Grey Vulgar    0.00 Fantastic! Almost ever song on here is great (except of course the one where kyo tries to rap >.<). Send Email 
Dir En Grey Kisou    0.00 This album isn't their best, but it works for when you wanna jump around screaming in japanese. Send Email 
Gackt Mars  Nippon-crown  0.00 I got this one off ebay; it's a bootleg, but a great recording nonetheless. Send Email 
Gackt Moon  Nippon-crown  0.00 AH! SO! GOOD! Sad without being depressing, sweet without being cheesey, emotional with being emo; how does he do it? Send Email 
Gackt Rebirth  Nippon-crown  0.00 For a sophmore album, this is pretty good. My favorite track is 'secret garden'. Send Email 
Gackt Rebirth  Nippon-crown  0.00 For a sophmore album, this is pretty good. My favorite track is 'secret garden'. Send Email 
Placebo Sleeping With Ghosts    0.00 What happened? This isn't nearly as good as their other stuff.....T.T Send Email 
Placebo Placebo    0.00 Classic Placebo, what's not to love? 'Come home' is one of my very favorite songs. Send Email 
Prince Purple Rain    0.00 What can I say that hasn't been said about him? Send Email 
Psycho Le Cemu Frontiers    0.00 Unimaginitive, but it has it's moments. Unfortunately most of those moments were originally singles. Send Email 
Gackt Tsuki No Uta  Nippon-crown  0.00 Sappy as hell. Or maybe I just can't appriciate ballads..... Send Email 
Not For Trade CD: 12, Other: 1

mynt-chan's List Summary

Wanted: CD - 6
Not For Trade CD: 12, Other: 1

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