Real Name: B.Rad
Country: United States
Hellshock Arrows To The Poor / Last Sunset 2003 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00 Limited Clear Send Email 
Neurosis / Soilent Green In These Black Days: A Tribute To Black Sabbath  1999 Hydra Head Records Excellent 0.00 The Clear Vinyl version Send Email 
Los Muertos De Cristo A Las Barricadas 1995 Fobia Duros Sentimientos Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Olho Seco Olho Por Olho 1989 Cogumelo Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Wanted: 7" - 2, 12" - 2
Not For Trade
Extreme Noise Terror / Cock E.s.p. Split 2005 Little Mafia Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Masakari / Grin And Bear It Split 2012 Halo Of Flies, Allergic To Fun,  Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 550 Send Email 
Massgrav / Yacøpsæ We're Yacøpsæ...and You Suco, Shit! / K! 2007 Regurgitated Semen Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Vöetsek Death By Terror / Vöetsek 2007 Haunted Hotel Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Atrocious Madness Self Titled 2000 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided, #844/1000 Send Email 
D.s.-13 Thrash And Burn 2002 Enslaved / Boy Useless Excellent 0.00 Purple Marble, Lmt. 196 Send Email 
Sete Star Sept / Violent Gorge Victim Of Capitalism / Violent Gorge 2013 Aggressive Valley Tapes, Mass De Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
@patia No Cuando El Rumor Es Informacion 2002 Descbediencia / Reacciona Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 2050 Send Email 
@patia No Hazlo Tu Mizmo / Do It Yourself 1999 Noseke Records, Bajo Prefil Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
@patia No Fronteras 1998 Noseke Records, Bajo Perfil Very Good 0.00 First Press, Lmt. 450 Send Email 
@patia No Creados Para La Paz... Fomentando Las Guerras 2000 Noseke, Bajo Perfil, Lumpen, La  Good 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
@patia No / Protestera Split 2004 Skuld Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
@patia No / Rash Split 2002 Descbediencia / Reacciona Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
@patia No / Sentimientos Oprimidos Split 1999 Noseke, Bajo Perfil, Schulin Dis Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1100 Send Email 
10-96 Gas Bag 1994 Beer City Good 0.00  Send Email 
10-96 / Insult To Injury Ancient Future 1995 Will E. Survive Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
3-way Cum Battle Of Opinions 1993 Sound Pollution Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
3-way Cum The Last Cumshow? 1997 Elderberry Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
7000 Dying Rats Forced Boat 2006 Scenester Credebtials Good 0.00 Pink, Slightly Warped, Lmt 500 Send Email 
A // Solution Butterfly 1989 Teacore Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
A.p.p.l.e. A Sensitive Fascist Is Very Rare 1987 Vinyl Communications Excellent 0.00 Red Cover Send Email 
A.p.p.l.e. Disintegrate The Church And State 1991 Broken Rekids Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
A//political Punk Is A Ghetto 1998 Profane Existence / Skuld Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
A//political Propaganda By Deed 1998 Crasshole Records Very Good 0.00 Second Press, Red Send Email 
A//political / Counterpoise Autonomous Action 1998 Autonomous Action Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Abaddon Walcz O Swoją Wolność 1996 Bydłoszcz Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Abaddon Nie Do Poznania 1996 Hc Pzpr Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Abaddon The Final Fucking Straw 2007 Severed Head / Halo Of Flies Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Abc Weapons Bitter End 2004 Global Warning Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Absolut Demo 2013 2017 Schizophrenic Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Absolut / Paranoid Jawbreaking Mangel Devastation 2015 Phobia Records, Crucificados Pe Excellent 0.00 2x7", Black. lmt. 500 Send Email 
Absolutist Traverse 2015 Never Fall Into Silence Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Absurd Blodig Stad  Fan Release Excellent 0.00 White Label Send Email 
Absurd Attitude Modern Lobotomy 1997 Fight Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Absurd System Self Titled 2009 Vex Records, Mountains Of Madnes Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Abuse I Guds Namn? 1996 Consume, Be Silent, Die Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Abuse Mördare 1996 Crust Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro Jogo Sujo 1994 Low Life Records Very Good 0.00 #572/1000 Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro Revolte-se!!! 1997 Sin Fronteras Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro Prisões 1995 Panx Productions Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro Revolte Se 1997 Sin Fronteras Records Very Good 0.00 Yellow Transparent Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro / Autoritär Split 2002 Yellow Dog Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro / Detestation Padrões / Untitled 1996 Six Weeks Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro / No Violence Contraataque / Untitled 2000 2+2=5 Records, Luna Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Accion Mutante Fear 1995 Skuld Releases Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Accion Mutante Y No Hai Remedio 1998 Skuld Releases, Profane Existenc Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Accion Mutante / Basalt Die Split 7" 1998 Frontcore Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Acephalix Self Titled 2009 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Acroholia / Intestinal Disease Ecology Dying Of Disease / Deception At First Sight 2000 Abnormal Beer Terrorism Records Very Good 0.00 #280/500 Send Email 
Acrostix Truth Turned Grey With Justice 2008 Black Water Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Act Of Heresy / Scathed Split 1997 . . . And All Else Be Damned Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Active Minds The National Lotta E 1998 Loony Tunes Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 3100 Send Email 
Active Minds Dis Is Getting Pathetic... 1995 Loony Tunes, React, Víctimas Del Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Active Minds I'm Not A Tourist... I Live Here. 1997 Loony Tunes, React, Don't Belong Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 4000 Send Email 
Active Minds Bury The Past: Build The Future 2011 Loony Tunes Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Active Minds New Puppets - Same Old Machine 2015 Loony Tunes Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1200 Send Email 
Active Minds The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum 194 Loony Tunes, React, Per Koro, Ni Very Good 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided, Lmt. 10500 Send Email 
Acursed / Bonds Of Trust Hardcore Attack ´98 1998 Putrid Filth Conspiracy, Sector  Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Acursed / Victims Split 1999 Putrid Filth Conspiracy Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Addiction, The Footprints Of A Desperado 2017 Pogo 77 Records Excellent 0.00 Flexi, Reissue, Red Send Email 
Affect / Löckheed Split Ep 2020 Phobia Records, Blown Out Media Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
After Self Titled 2020 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
After The Bombs Bloody Aftermath/ Black Horse Of Famine E.p. 2007 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
After The Bombs Spoils Of War E.p. 2007 The Total End Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
After The Bombs Terminal Filth Stench Bastard Ep 2005 Sjakk Matt Plater Excellent 0.00 Grey Marble Send Email 
After The Massacre The End 2004 Wasted Dream Excellent 0.00 #283/500 Send Email 
Against Empire / Holokaust Threat To Existence / Untitled 2004 Threat To Existence Very Good 0.00 VG+ Send Email 
Against Me! The Acoustic Ep 2001 Sabot. Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Clear, Lmt. 267 Send Email 
Agathocles Back To 1987 1996 Boundless Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Agathocles Living Hell Downfall 2014 Equivokke Records, Absurd Record Excellent 0.00 Yellow, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Agathocles / Black Army Jacket Self Destroying Prophecy / "lord Of Murder" And  1999 Deaf American Recordings Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Agathocles / Bloodred Bacteria Split 2003 Cah Records / Blood First Family Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Agathocles / Depressor Trash / Untitled 2000 Dental Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Agathocles / Full Contact Split 2019 Love Mazout, Flail Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Agathocles / Gorgonized Dorks Hippies Use Backdoor - No Exceptions / Aftermath 2007 Agromosh Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Agathocles / J. Briglia, L. Butler, D.schoonmake Split '08 2008 Frail Walls Productions Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Agathocles / Looking For An Answer Split 2000 Bad People, Selfish Fucker Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Agathocles / Mpg And The Loser Is... 2015 Rødel, Eatshitbuydie Distro, Rig Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Age The Spider 2006 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Limited Edition, Purple Yellow Split With Black Splatter, #135/200 Send Email 
Age Survival 2010 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Limited Edition, Screen Printed, Green #65/200 w/ sticker Send Email 
Age The Spider 2006 Black Water Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Age Inside Darkness 1997 Dewa Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Age Blowing Wind 2002 Underground Warder Productions Excellent 0.00 #709/1000 Send Email 
Agenda, The "articulation" 2006 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Yellow, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Agenda, The Pessimism Of The Mind, Optimism Of The Will 2008 Fashionable Idiots Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Aggrastat Noise Extermination 2013 Imminent Destruction Records Excellent 0.00 Dark Green Marble, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Aghast Suffocationg Authority Ep 2009 Desolate Legacy Records Excellent 0.00 Pink, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Aghast Desolate Legacy 2005 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Aghast Sacrificed On The Altar Of State Power 2004 Agipunk Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Self Titled 1996 Bovine Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Agoraphobic Nosebleed The Honkey Reduxtion Ep 2015 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided, White Send Email 
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Merry Chrystmeth 2012 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided, White Send Email 
Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Crom Split 2011 Regurgitated Semen Records Very Good 0.00 Orange Send Email 
Ajaxfree / Sick Terror Re-monsters 2004 Attack Fan Zine Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Alement The Hunter 2017 Ryyvolte Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Alerta! Self Titled 2013 Discos Enfermos, Trabuc Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Alerta! / Amenaça Split 2014 Discos Enfermos, Dogma Destroyer Very Good 0.00 Red, Lmt. 250 Send Email 
Alienation Terror In The Ant Hill 1989 Basement Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Amebix Who's The Enemy 1982 Spiderleg Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Amebix Arise! +2 2000 Alternative Tentacles ‎ Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Amebix Winter 1983 Spiderleg Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Amen Don't Imitate Show Your Hate 1993 Amok Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Amnesty Self Titled 1997 Consensus Reality Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Anarcrust Self Titled 1994 E Quality Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Anfo La Sangre De Latinoamerica Lucha Y Resiste 2002 Where's Your Anger Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Anger Burning Warcharge E.p. 2008 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Anguish / Perversion Within The Darkness / Antichrist 2011 Black Shit Noise Productions Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Another Oppressive System Self Titled 2002 Skit Records / Test Pattern Reco Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Another Oppressive System / 3 Way Cum Split 2001 Skit Records Very Good 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Another Oppressive System / Crossing Chaos Split 2005 Cries Of Pain Records Very Good 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Another Oppressive System / Crossing Chaos Split 2005 Cries Of Pain Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Another Oppressive System / Human Waste Split 2004 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Another Oppressive System / World On Welfare Split 2001 Brütalitar Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Anti You Pig City Life E.p. 2007 Punks Before Profits Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Anti-cimex Anti-cimex-ep - Anarkist Attack 2013 Nada Nada Discos, Spicoli Discos Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Anti-metafor Self Titled 2019 D-takt & Råpunk Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Anti-product Another Day, Another War 1996 Obese Records Excellent 0.00 Note to 'Dull-Youth' owners. Send Email 
Anti-product Big Business And The Government Are Both The Fuc 1997 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Antichrist Damned Those Who Prefered Bitterness Of Earth Th 2002 Dissonant Sound Industries, Laga Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Antichrist Antichrist 1998 Trująca Fala, Lagart Factory Lób Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Antigama / Rot Slimewave Edition Three Of Six 2007 Relapse Records Excellent 0.00 White / Green Haze, #189/1000 Send Email 
Antischism This Is The Enemy 1991 Selfless Records, Stereonucleosi Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Antischism End Of Time Plus One 1992 Selfless Records Very Good 0.00 2x7", One S/Sided Send Email 
Antischism Live In The Sudio 1991 Selfless Records, Stereonucleosi Excellent 0.00 Pink Swirl, #106/350 Send Email 
Antisect Out From The Void 2010 Antisociety Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Yellow Send Email 
Antisocial Behavior / Legion Of Doom Split 1998 Subordi Nation Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Any Last Words Self Titled 2003 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Green, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Apartment 213 / Benumb Split 1997 Metal Enterprise Very Good 0.00 Orange Vinyl Send Email 
Aphasia Self Titled 2003 Not To Downtown Excellent 0.00 Pink Marble, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Apocalypse / Extinction Of Mankind Split 2018 Distro-y Records, Underground Mo Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Apocalypse / Mindrot Split E.p. 1991 Tempest Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Apocalypse Now 4 Track E.p. 2018 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 #8/300 Send Email 
Appalachian Terror Unit Armageddon... 2007 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Green, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Appalachian Terror Unit Black Sands 2012 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Olive Green Marble, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Appäratus F.k.u. 2018 Phobia, Rawmantic Disasters, Bas Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Appäratus Degenëration Ovërdrive! 2005 Desörden Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Argue Damnation / Boycot Split 1997 F.f.t. Label Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Armagedom Apogeu Da Insanidade - Crepúsculo Da Humanidade 2005 Absurd Very Good 0.00 First Press, Purple, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Armagedom / Bombenalarm Split 2006 Hate Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Armistice Self Titled 1997 Hunnypot Records Very Good 0.00 Yellow Transparent, Lmt., #90/200 Send Email 
Armistice / Flux Of Disorder Split 1997 Hunnypot Records, Organize And A Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Armless Children / Ydinaseeton Pohjola 6 Track Split Ep 2013 Nightstick Justice Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Arrest / Disparo Split 2014 Trabuc, Canya!, Broca, Kremón Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Arrestum Ihmistieteet 2012 Parta Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Arseholes Phl 2019 2019 Symphony Of Destruction Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided Send Email 
Artimus Pyle / Diallo Split 2003 Busted Heads Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Artortured / Crisis Rebirth Dimensions Of Suffering / Kleptocracy 1997 Bad People Records / Riotous Ass Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Asbestosdeath Dejection 1990 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 lmt .2000 Send Email 
Asesinos Por Naturaleza / Go To The Earth Split 1997 Keloid Records Very Good 0.00 Green, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Asfixia Self Titled 2006 Counteract / Angry Excellent 0.00 Green / Black Splatter, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Asinine Solution Escape To Wisconsin 1996 Asinine Records Excellent 0.00 #25 / 200 Send Email 
Asinine Solution My Dad’s A Goat! 1997 Beer City Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Asinine Solution Cause Effect 1998 Asinine Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Asocial Asocial Attack - Demo '83  Skjut En Snut Records Excellent 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 150. #177/300 Send Email 
Asocial Religion Sucks 2020 Threat From The Past Excellent 0.00 Picture Disc, Repress, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Aspects Of War The Presence Of Death 2014 Brain Solvent Propaganda Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Aspects Of War / System Fucker War System 2015 Strong Mind Japan Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Assassinate Self Titled 2003 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Assassinate Urgency 2015 Distort Reality / Whisper In Dar Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Assassinators, The Self Titled 2007 Alerta Antifascista Excellent 0.00 Second Press, Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Assassinators, The Demo 2006 2007 Alerta Antifascista Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Assassinators, The I Disse Mørke Tider.. 2011 Halo Of Flies Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Assässini Self Titled 2017 Desörden, Rawmantic Disasters, R Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Asschapel Rotting The Body 2001 Twitch Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Asschapel Satanation 2003 Flowerviolence Records Excellent 0.00 Pink Marbled, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Assembly Of God Submission Obedience Denial 2001 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Assfault / Curse Of The Nation Split 2006 Bad People Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Assfort P.k.o. 1993 Nat Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Assfort 亞吸不汚吐 (akyūfuoto) 1997 Prank Records Very Good 0.00 Red Send Email 
Assfort The Unlimited Variety Of Noises. 1992 Discipline, Vinyl Japan Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Assfort Change Of Price Or Real Speed 1999 Mangrove Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Assfort Guilty! 1998 Anti-war Records, Riot Records Very Good 0.00 #232/500 Send Email 
Assfort Bark Up The Wrong Tree 1996 Nat Records Very Good 0.00 Red/Yellow split Send Email 
Assrash Save For Your Doomed Future 1995 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 5000 Send Email 
Assrash / Misery Split 1996 Clean Plate Records Excellent 0.00 Picture Disc Send Email 
Assuck Necro Salvation 1999 No System Records Excellent 0.00 Lime Blue Send Email 
Asta Kask Precis Som Far 2006 Burning Heart Records, Cage Match Federation Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Asta Kask Till Sista Droppen 2000 Höhnie Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Asylum Self Titled 2014 Vinyl Conflict Label Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Ataque Frontal Self Titled 2005 Burrito Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Atavistic Equilibrium 1987 Loony Tunes Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Ataxxia Self Titled 2016 25 Diamonds Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Atrocious Madness Visions Of Hell 1998 Tribal War Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Black Send Email 
Atropello!! El Tiempo No Perdona 2020 Tvmbalavalla Discos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Attack Ss No Boss 2009 Detonate Records Very Good 0.00 White, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Attack Ss Mask Of Those 2019 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Attack Ss No Nukes Ep!! 2012 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Attack Ss / Frenzy Split 2013 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Neon Lime Green Send Email 
Audio Kollaps / Desolation Split 2009 Trująca Fala, Pisstrophy Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Aus-rotten Anti-imperialist Ep 1993 Rotten Propaganda Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Aus-rotten Fuck Nazi Sympathy 1994 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Six Pressing, Grey, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Aus-rotten Fuck Nazi Sympathy 1994 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Fifth Pressing, Gold, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Aus-rotten / Naked Aggression Split 1994 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Authority Abuse / Kakistocracy Split 2001 Anthem For Doomed Youth Records Excellent 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
Autistic Youth I Want To See Every Tower Fall 2009 Rock Bottom Records Very Good 0.00 Marble Blue, screened cover, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Autistic Youth / The Estranged Split Split 2008 Black Water Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Autonomia / Dios Hastio Vivimos Para Tu Muerte / No Puedes Huir... 2000 Sin Fronteras Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Autoritär / Uncurbed Split 2004 Rescued From Life Very Good 0.00 Blue Marble Send Email 
Avfall Now! 2011 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Avskum 1982 Demo 2009 Prank Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Avskum From Vision To Nightmare 1998 Retard Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Avskum Folk Som Har Sånger Kan Inte Dö 2009 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Avskum Crucified By The System 2007 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 White, Reissue Send Email 
Avvikelsse Self Titled 2016 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Axiom Establishing A Culture Of Resistance 2001 Angry Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Axiom Impaled By Chaos 1999 Ministry Of Peace Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Azok S.a.p.n.p. 2016 General Speech, Chaos Disco Reco Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
B.e.t.o.e Totalitarismo Del Siglo Xxi 2018 Nuclear Fear, Discos Enfermos, R Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
B.e.t.o.e / Besthöven Tribute To Shitlickers 2017 Sin Fronteras, Grind Your Mind,  Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Baby Grant Johnson / Mike Nicolai Split  Shaky Ray Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bad Religion / Noam Chomsky New World Order: War #1 1991 Maximumrocknroll Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Bag Of Gremlins Welcome To Earth 2010 Speaks Volumes Records Excellent 0.00 #169/290 Send Email 
Balance Of Terror / Straight To Hell Split 2002 Partner In Crime Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Band Of Accuse Memento Mori 2014 Imminent Destruction Records, No Anarquia Rebelde Musica Discos Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Barrows Discord And Society 2018 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Bastard Controled In The Frame 2011 540 Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Bastard Sons Of Apocalypse Self Titled 2005 Distort Reality Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Bastard Sons Of Apocalypse Merciless Slaughter 2005 540 Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bastard Sons Of Apocalypse / Sin Orden Razacore 2006 Desobediencia Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Bastards Maailma Palaa Ja Kuolee (world Burns To Death) 2011 Höhnie Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Green, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Bastards Maailma Palaa Ja Kuolee (world Burns To Death) 2011 Höhnie Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Yellow, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Bathtub Shitter Angels Save Us 2003 Necro Obscure Terror, Rusted Loc Very Good 0.00 Repress, Black. Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Bathtub Shitter Lifetime Shitlist Ep 2003 Power It Up Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Bathtub Shitter Fertilizer 2002 First Blood Family Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black, Lmt. 1850 Send Email 
Bathtub Shitter Fertilizer 1999 T.v.g. Records Excellent 0.00 Pink/Yellow Marbled Send Email 
Bathtub Shitter / Dudman Split 1998 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Batillus / Mutilation Rites Cast / Goliath 2011 Shinebox Recordings Excellent 0.00 Translucent Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Battle Of Disarm In The War 1994 One Coin, Tribal War Asia Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Bayonet 2nd Demo 21/9-1983 2006 Bootleg Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bed Bugs Self Titled 2015 Mata La Musica Discos Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Bellicose Minds, The Self Titled 2011 Whisper In Darkness Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Bellicose Minds, The Incision 2016 Black Water Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ben Weaver W/ Charlie Parr Ramblin' Bones / Outlastin' You 2014 Chaperone Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Benny Bell Shaving Cream 1975 Vanguard Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
BesthÖven Tomorrow´s Hell Ep 2020 Civilisation Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
BesthÖven Just Another Warsong-ep 2003 Plague Bearer Records Excellent 0.00 Euro Pressing, Color Cover Send Email 
BesthÖven To The Hell With Them All!! (a Hail To Japan) 2005 Life Under One Tree Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
BesthÖven Depois De Um Ataque Aéreo 2001 Room 101 Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue, White Send Email 
BesthÖven Just Another War Song Ep 2003 Cries Of Pain / Plague Bearer Excellent 0.00 US Pressing Send Email 
BesthÖven Visions Of Hell Ep 2008 Abuse Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
BesthÖven The Vikings Are Back / A Hail To Sweden 2009 Total Fucker Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Besthoven / Beton Different Wars... But Still The Same Victims 2009 Totalitarianism Still Continues, Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Besthöven / Devastadoras Last Countdown / Fragmentos Devastadores... 2018 Argh.fuck.kill., Rohkunst Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Besthöven / Dhk Split 2021 Symphony Of Destruction Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Besthoven / Dis-k47 They Won't Stay Dead / Proč To Takhle Musí Být? 2016 Totalitarianism Still Continues Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 306 Send Email 
Besthöven / Disjawn Split 2019 Ryvvolte Records Excellent 0.00 Green Swirl, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Besthoven / Dispose Splir 2015 Symphony Of Destruction Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Besthöven / See//get Ready To The Fucking Death / Silence 2007 Suno Tattoo/aph/trasic Excellent 0.00 #163/500 Send Email 
Beyond Description Fine Day Nostalgia 1995 Forest Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Beyond Description More Power To Your Elbow 1992 Desperate Attempt Records Very Good 0.00 Green Transparent Send Email 
Beyond Description / Kontrovers Split 2000 Crust As Fuck Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Birdflesh / Embalming Theatre Death Metal Karaoke / My Flesh Creeps At Insects 2004 Rescued From Life Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
Birdflesh / Hatebeak Split 2007 Relapse Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Yellow / Green splatter, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Bitchslap Self Titled 1997 Self Released Very Good 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
Bitousha Hiromi's Party Part 1 2020 Fanclub Release Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided Send Email 
Black Kronstadt Crimes Of Capital, Crimes Of The State 1994 Hierarkill Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Black Kronstadt A World To Win 1995 Consensus Reality Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Black Market Fetus / Bodies Lay Broken Split 2002 Discos Al Pacino Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Black Market Fetus / Catheter Split 2001 Selfishfucker / Bad People Excellent 0.00 Black lmt. 500 Send Email 
Black Market Fetus / Discider Split 2001 Blood First Family Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Black Market Fetus / In Defence Split 2008 Scenester Credential/give Praise Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Black Sabbath Iron Man B/w Eletric Funeral 1970 Warner Brothers Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Black September / Thou Thrive & Decay 2009 Gilead Media Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Red Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Blackthorns, The Self Titled 2009 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Screen Printed Packaging Send Email 
Blackwall Hitch Milwaukee Burning 2002 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Orange Transparent Send Email 
Blatherskite / Natural Cause Split 1992 Rhetoric Records Very Good 0.00 Second Press, #233/500 Send Email 
Blazing Eye Ways To Die E.p. 2016 Overdose Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Blazing Eye Lonely Corpse 2016 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Blazing Eye Self Titled 2015 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Blind Obedience Submit To The Yoke 1998 Hepatit D Excellent 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Blinded Humanity Mind Control 2019 D-takt & Råpunk, Televised Suicide Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Blitz All Out Attack E.p. 2013 Ugly Pop Very Good 0.00 Reissue, Lmt. 1300 Send Email 
Blood Spit Nights Full Metal Jacket 1991 Massacre Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Bloodred Bacteria / Ruined Split 2006 W.i.f.a.g.e.n.a Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bodies Lay Broken / Head Hits Concrete Split 2004 1% Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Bombanfall Åsiktsfrihet 2020 D-takt & Råpunk Records Excellent 0.00 Repress, Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Bombenalarm Self Titled 2004 Unsociable Very Good 0.00 White Send Email 
Bomberegn Self Titled 2006 Kick N' Punch Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Bombraid Elegies From A Closed Chapter 1994 Crash Mag Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Bored Straight Locked Up E.p. 2011 Data Control Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Bored Straight Self Titled 2008 Data Control Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 275 Send Email 
Bored Straight Tinnitus E.p. 2010 Urban Pirate Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler Kill The Ramones 1996 Junk Records Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler 11/1/96 Fireside Bowl - Chicago Bowl 1996 V.m.c Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler She's Got A Lighter B/w It's My Style 1996 Rerun Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler Little Yellow Box 1997 Bulge Records Very Good 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler Do You Wanna Grilled Cheese? B/w Bad Guy Reactio 1994 Bulge Records Excellent 0.00 Fourth Pressing Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler Drugs & Masturbation 1998 Mutant Pop Very Good 0.00 5th Pressing, Pink, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler (she Digs My) New Wave Records 1998 Mutant Pop Very Good 0.00 Yellow/Green Label, Lmt. 512 Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler I've Been Hittin' On A... Russian Robot 1998 Lookout! Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler 113° Uomo 1997 Super Sonic Refrige Records Excellent 0.00 White lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler Male Model 1994 Bulge Records Very Good 0.00 4th Pressing, Green Sleeve Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler 8 Testicled Pogo Machine 1994 Rhetoric Records Excellent 0.00 Picture Disc, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler / Meatmen, The Drugs & Masturbation / True Grit 1995 Bulge Records Very Good 0.00 6th Pressing, Lmt. 1000, Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler / Quencher Split 1995 Lombardi Recordings Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler / Sonic Dolls Sheena's Got A Microwave 1996 Bulge Records Excellent 0.00 2nd Pressing Send Email 
Borisites / Nikki The Sprinkler Self Titled 1998 Just Add Water Excellent 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Born Bad Moron Music 2007 Fashionable Idiots Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Born Bad Self Titled 2007 Fashonable Idiots Excellent 0.00 Test Press, #16/40 Send Email 
Born Bad Moron Music 2007 Fashionable Idiots Excellent 0.00 Tour Press, #61/200 Send Email 
Born Bad / Duress Self Titled 2010 Home Invasion Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 550 Send Email 
Born Dead Icons Part Of Something Larger Than Ourselves 1999 Deranged Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Red, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Born Dead Icons Modern Plague 2001 Feral Ward Records/the Great Ame Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Born Dead Icons Unlearn 2003 Heart First Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Born Dead Icons / Coma Split 2002 Busted Heads Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Born/dead 24 Hostages 2001 No Option Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Born/dead Repetition 2005 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 White Vinyl, Black Cover Send Email 
Born/dead The Final Collapse 2007 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Mail Order Only, Red / White vinyl Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Born/dead / Peligro Social Split Ep 2006 Tank Crimes Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Boycot / Tuco Ramirez Split 1999 Trująca Fala Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Boycot / Yuppiecrusher Split 1999 Sacro K-baalismo, Libertad O Mue Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
BraincËll / Wärfear Brainfear 2018 Hardcore Hell, Deleted Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bread And Water Future Memories 2000 Burrito Records Excellent 0.00 Grey Marble Send Email 
Bread And Water Strength In Numbers 1999 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Girl on back page, lmt. 300 Send Email 
Bread And Water / Reason Of Insanity Split 2000 Burrito Records Excellent 0.00 Second Pressing, Black, Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Bread And Water / Reason Of Insanity Split 2000 Burrito Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Purple Marble, Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Bread And Water / Rusian School Of Ballet Split 2001 System Suck Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bristle System Ep 1994 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Second Pressing, Red, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Bristle Fired From Life 1992 Pot Pie Records Good 0.00 First Press, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Bristle The System Ep 1994 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Blue, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Brother Inferior Six More Reasons 1998 Sensual Underground Ministries Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Brother Inferior Blasphemy And Treason 1996 Sensual Underground Ministries Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Brother Inferior Dismantling The Capitalist Machine 1999 Trująca Fala, Sensual Undergroun Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Brother Inferior Bound And Gagged 1995 Sensual Underground Ministries Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Brother Inferior / N.o.t.a. Freedoms Sons / Punk Torture Night 1997 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 First Pressing, Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Brother Inferior / Whorehouse Of Representatives Split 1998 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Brottskod 11 Self Titled 2012 Phobia Records Excellent 0.00 Magenta, Lmt. 471 Send Email 
Burned Up Bled Dry Cloned Slaves... For Slaves... 1998 Dissonant Sound Industries Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Burned Up Bled Dry Kill The Body...kill The Soul... 1997 Sensual Underground Ministries Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Burnt Cross Peace Through Superior Firepower / Paths To Pers 2019 Tadpole, Lukket Avdelin, Active  Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Burnt Cross Too Many Graves 2009 Rusty Knife, Lukket Avdelin, Opi Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Burnt Cross Brian Haw 2010 Lou Punk Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Burnt Cross What Hope Tomorrow? 2009 Tadpole Records, Active Rebellio Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Burnt Cross Break The Law, Not The Poor 2011 Tadpole, Lukket Avdeling, Loud P Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Butcher Abc / Dead Grind Workshop / Toyko Live Axxxtion 2004 2007 Autopsy Stench / Obliteration Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Buzzov•en Useless / Never Again 1997 Reptilian Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Warning! Neighborhood Nuisance Session Assault F 2018 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
C.o.b.w. Children Of Barren Wasteland 1996 Profane Existence, Skuld Release Excellent 0.00 Purple Marble, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Cadaver Em Transe Self Titled 2015 Iron Lung Records Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Calloused …still Failing World 2002 Sin Fronteras Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Canadian Rifle Self Titled 2007 Criminal Iq Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Canadian Rifle / American Cheeseburger Split 2010 Rock Bottom Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Carcass Zochrot 2013 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Flexi, Red Send Email 
Carcass Grinder / 2 Minuta Dreka Do You Love Grind? Pt:5 / Sex Machine Baby! 2007 Rotting Abortion, Grind Block, M Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Carcass Grinder / Fuck On The Beach Carcass Grinder / Fastcore Rumble Party Vol,1 1998 Keloid Records ‎ Very Good 0.00 Clear, #666/1500 Send Email 
Carnage Duality... 2019 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Catheter Inri 2000 Headfucker Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Catheter / Bent Over Backwards Split 2002 Selfish Fucker, Bad People Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Catheter / Black Market Fetus 3 Song E.p. / Blinded By The Cross 2001 Bad People Records, Selfish Fuck Very Good 0.00 Clear Yellow, Lmt. 100, Screen Printed Beer Case Send Email 
Catheter / Fiendead Catheter / Born Into Chaos 1999 Bad People, Entrapment Very Good 0.00 White Cover Send Email 
Catheter / Forced Instinct 303 Grind Split 2002 Selfish Fucker Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Catheter / Rot Split 2005 Haunted Hotel Records Mint 0.00 Red lmt. 100 Send Email 
Catheter / Wojczech Grinding The Ruins 2008 Grinding The Ruins Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Caustic Christ Self Titled 2002 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Caustic Christ Government Job 2004 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 First Press, White/Green Mix, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Caustic Christ U.s. Tour 2005 2005 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Caustic Christ Self Titled 2002 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 White, #83/100 Send Email 
Caustic Christ / R.a.m.b.o. Split 2003 Busted Heads Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Cease And Desist / No Class Split 1996 Un-yelliman Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Century Of War Self Titled 2005 Fight Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Cerebral Rot Spewing Purulence 2020 Parasitic Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Cervix Life Fucker 2011 Video Disease Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Cetascean Self Titled 2011 Mercy Of Slumber Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Chaka 5 Track Ep 2011 Symphathy Destruction / Ratas De Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Chaos Uk Studio Outtakes '81-'83 2014 Negative Insight Zine Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Chisel, The Deconstructive Surgery 2021 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Forth Press, Blue Cover Send Email 
Choose Your Poison Party Zone 2007 Bacon Towne Records Mint 0.00 lmt. 750 Send Email 
Choose Your Poison Thrashed To Ribbons 2006 Self Released Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Choose Your Poison / Nu,pogodi! Fuck My Womb, ...i'm Calling In Dead 2013 Active Rebellion, Pumpkin Record Excellent 0.00 Purple Marble Send Email 
Choose Your Poison / Smd God Hating Thrash Punks From Hell 2012 Active Rebellion, King Of Drunk, Very Good 0.00 Blue Transparent Send Email 
Chorea Wir Können Nicht Nur Von Alten Taten Sprechen, W 1998 Anomie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Christdriver Your Vision Leaves Me Blind 1995 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 lmt. 3500 Send Email 
Chronicle A/d Enough Rats In The Walls... And The Empires Fall 2004 Hyperrealist Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Chronicle A/d Bloodsport War 2005 Loder Brock Excellent 0.00 Black, lmt. 750 Send Email 
Chuck Berry Maybellene B/w Almost Grown 1984 Chess Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Chuck Berry Sweet Little Sixteen B/w Reelin And Rocking 1958 Chess Records Good 0.00  Send Email 
Chuck Berry Sweet Little Rock And Roll B/w Joe Joe Gun 1958 Chess Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Chuck Berry No Particular Place To Go B/w You Two 1964 Chess Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Chuck Berry School Day B/w Deep Feeling 1957 Chess Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Chuck Berry My Ding-a-ling / Johnny B. Goode 1972 Chess Very Good 0.00 Pitman Pressing Send Email 
Cinderblock The Executioner E.p. 2017 Loud Punk Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Civil Disobedience In A Few Hours Of Madness 1994 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Sixth Pressing, Marble, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Clitboys, The We Dont Play The Game 2015 Beer City Records Excellent 0.00 Gold, RSD Edition Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit Last Band Standing 2003 Angry Records Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit Heute Wie Morgen Wie Gestern 2013 Power It Up Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit End The War Now 1994 Thought Crime Records Excellent 0.00 Green Black Sleeve, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit ...and Dirty Little Weapons 1999 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Marble, Lmt. 2500 Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit Realität 1995 Wiggy Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1400 Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit ...and The Dirty Little Weapons 1999 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit Distortorama 2000 Tribal War Asia, One Coin Excellent 0.00 Blue/Red Splatter, #174/500 Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit Opfer 1995 D.i.y. Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit / Raagg Split 2002 Rabid Dog Records, Crimes Agains Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, White 100 Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit / Raagg Split 2005 Crimes Against Humanity Excellent 0.00 Second Pressing Black 1000 Send Email 
Clusterfuck Midlife Crisis 2004 Wintermute Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Clusterfux / Apocalyptic Christ Get Bombed Split 7" 2004 Less Art Records Very Good 0.00 #89/500, Clear Blue Send Email 
Clusterfux / Last Priority, The Sparrows Fall / Diy Or Die 2004 Smash Em Out, Less Art Very Good 0.00 Red Transparent Send Email 
Clusterfux / System Shit Split 2007 Less Art Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Code 13 They Made A Wasteland And Called It Peace 1995 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, 2500 Green Send Email 
Code 13 Doomed Society 1995 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Red 500 Send Email 
Code 13 A Part Of America Died Today 1998 Havoc Records Good 0.00 First Press, Red Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Code 13 A Part Of America Died Today 1998 Havoc Records Mint 0.00 Third Pressing, Marble 2000 Send Email 
Code 13 Doomed Society 1995 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Green Send Email 
Code 13 Doomed Society 1995 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Second Press, Clear, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Coffins Noise Room Sessions 2014 2016 Heavy Metal Vomit Party Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Coffins Reborn 2012 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 S/Sided, Flexi, Black Send Email 
Coffins / Butcher Abc Split 2015 Obliteration Records, Bones Brig Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Coffins / Spun In Darkness Split 2009 Horror Pain Gore Death Productio Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Cognitive Dissonance Prison Under The Cross 2010 Mundi En Kaos / Desolate Mint 0.00 Red Send Email 
Color T.v. Demo 7" 2016 Drunken Sailor Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Color T.v. Meat Wagon 2016 Deranged Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Color T.v. Paraoxteens / Night After Night 2017 Neck Chop Records Excellent 0.00 Test Press Send Email 
Combat Knife Extreme Combat Ep 2016 Warthog Speak, Video Disease Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Combatwoundedveteran / Scrotum Grinder Split 1999 Burrito Records Excellent 0.00 Repress, Black, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Come To Grief / Fistula Split 2017 Patac Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Complete Waste Self Titled 2008 Give Praise Records, Rock Bottom Excellent 0.00 Tour Press, #84/100 Send Email 
Concrete Sox Silence 1997 Blind Destruction Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Concrete Sox Lunched Out 1990 Desperate Attempt Records Very Good 0.00 Red, Lmt.500 Send Email 
Confict The House That Man Built 1982 Crass Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Conflict The Serenade Is Dead 1995 Motarhate Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Conflict These Colours Don't Run 1993 Mortarhate Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Conflict To A Nation Of Animal Lovers 1983 Corpus Christi Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Conflict Live At Centro Iberico 1995 Motorhate Records Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Conflict This Is Not Enough Stand Up And Fucking Fight 1985 Motorhate Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Conflict B.b.c.1 1995 Mortarhate Records Good 0.00 S/Sided Send Email 
Confront The Curtain Of An Intense Attack 2012 General Speech, Not Very Nice Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Confrontation 1989 1992 Misanthropic Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Confrontation Dead Against The War 1991 Tribal War Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Constant State Of Terror Liberation 2007 Inflammable Material, Squawk Rec Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Constant State Of Terror Self Titled 2007 Tadpole Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Constricted All Confusion 2001 Destroy Very Good 0.00 Red Send Email 
Consume Forked Tongue 2003 Dissonant Sound Industries Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Consume Who's The Real Monster 2003 Sin Fronteras Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Consume / Resolve Split 2003 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Contagium Self Titled 2009 Black Raven Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Contorture / Ahna Split 2014 Neanderthal-stench, Active Rebel Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Contrast Attitude Stand Up And Fight Now 2013 Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 Black 425 Send Email 
Contrast Attitude Black Or White 2013 Insane Society Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Contrast Attitude / See You In Hell Split 2010 Insane Society Excellent 0.00 Second Pressing, Orange, Lmt. 525 Send Email 
Contrast Attitude / The Knockers Curiosity Not To Dry 2020 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Contravene Prison Sells 2003 Catchphraze Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Contravene / Svart Aggression Split 2000 Catchphraze Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Control Live To Destroy Public Places 2011 Damaging Noise Records Excellent 0.00 Clear Red, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Contropotere Solo Selvagg 1992 Skuld Releases Very Good 0.00 Black, Yellow/Black Cover Send Email 
Converge / Dropdead Split 2011 Armagedoon Excellent 0.00 Brown/Green Marble Send Email 
Cop On Fire Tus Ilusiones Hacen De Ti Un Iluso E.p. 2008 Barrage Of Salt Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Copeater / Murder Of Crows Split 2007 Scenester Credentials Excellent 0.00 Yellow, Lmt. 427 Send Email 
Coprofilia Latinoamerica: Una Lucha Incansable Contra El Po 1996 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Mystery Meat, Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Corpse, The False Hope 2014 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Corrupted Loss 2015 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Corrupted / Infaust Split 2002 Blind Date Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1339 Send Email 
Corrupted / Machetazo Split 2000 Frigidity Discos Very Good 0.00 First Press, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Counterblast Prospects 1995 Skuld Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1974 Send Email 
Crass Sheep Farming In The Falklands 1983 Crass Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Crass Nagasaki Nightmare / Big A Little A 1980 Crass Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Crass Who Dunnit? 1983 Crass Records Very Good 0.00 Brown Send Email 
Crass How Does It Feel? 1982 Crass Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Crass / Poison Girls Bloody Revolutions / Persons Unknown 1980 Crass Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Creepers, The Ten Minutes Of Trouble For The Man 1995 Cerebellum Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Creosote Life Lessons 2008 Self Released Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Cress From Violence To Consumerism 1999 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Criaturas Arañas En El Corazon 2011 Lengua Armada Discos Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Crimen De Estado Self Titled 2009 Mal Sonido Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Crimpshrine Sleep, What's That? E.p. 1988 Lookout Records Very Good 0.00 Third Pressing Send Email 
Crossing Chaos Disgusting Reality 2003 Blindead Productions Excellent 0.00 lmt. 500 Send Email 
Crossing Chaos Behind The Glamorous Face 2002 Yellow Dog Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Crossing Chaos / Full Of Hatred Split 2002 Raid Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Crow Cottage Cheese / Busy Days 1970 Amaret Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Crow 混沌神 1998 Crow Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Crow Neurotic Organization Ep 2001 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Crow / Artimus Pyle Split 2003 Prank Excellent 0.00 Reissue, White Send Email 
Crow / See You In Hell Split 2009 Insane Society Records, Phobia R Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, lmt. 850 Send Email 
Crucial Unit Premium Iced Tea 2000 Crucial Blast, Crucial Blast Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Crucial Unit Moshzilla 2002 De La Mente Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Cruciamentum Paradise Envenomed 2017 Profound Lore Records ‎ Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Crucifix Nineteen Eighty-four 2018 Kustomized Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Crude Just Go Ahead 2008 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1300 Send Email 
Crude / Selfish Show Me No Defeat 2012 La Familia Releases Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 460 Send Email 
Crude B.e. / Harsh Holterdiepolter / Harsh 1997 Yellow Dog Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Crude S.s. Who'll Survive E.p. 2011 Voltage Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Crutches D-beat Tsunami Ep 2012 Pissed Off, Not Enough, Distro-y Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Cthuwulf / Gai Killed By Japcore? / Mad Noise Riot! 2004 Rescued From Life, First Blood Family, Cesspool Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Culo Toxic Visions E.p. 2011 Deranged Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Culo Military Trend E.p. 2010 Deranged Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Cut Throat Hoods Self Titled 2002 Reddskull Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Cyndi Lauper Money Changes Everything (live) 1984 Portrait Very Good 0.00 Pitman Pressing Send Email 
Cyndi Lauper She Bop 1984 Portrait Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Cyness / Ohuzaru Split 2001 Thought Crime Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Cyness / P.l.f. Split 2011 Regurgitated Semen Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
D-clone / Morpheme Progressus Ep 2009 Mouse Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
D-clone / Nerveskade Obscene Noize Violence 2011 Hardcore Survives Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1200 Send Email 
D.f.c. / Anfo Split 2004 Contra Orden, Odio Los Discos, A Very Good 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
D.s. 13 Aborted Teen Generation 1998 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Marble 2500 Send Email 
D.s. 13 For The Kids Not The Business 1998 Insect/communichaos Excellent 0.00 First Press Send Email 
D.s. 13 Aborted Teen Generation 1998 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 First Pressing, Blue 500 Send Email 
D.s. 13 Trash And Burn 2002 Enslaved, Boy Useless Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
D.s. 13 / Code 13 13 Song Split 2000 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Orange, Lmt. 2500 Send Email 
D.s. 13 / Code 13 Split 2000 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 First Press, White, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
D.s. 13 / Sic Transit Gloria Mundi Split 1998 Hepatit D, Lame Brain Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
D.s.-13 / Code 13 13 Song Split 7" 2000 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Blue Translucent, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
D.s.-13* / Blood Of Others Swedish Punks Hate Aussie Wankers / Blood Of Oth 1998 Organic Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
D.s.b. Pure Cultivation 2002 Kangaroo Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
D.s.b. No Fight No Get. 1996 Deranged Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
D.s.b. Wait Trembling!!! 2003 Yellow Dog Records Mint 0.00 Red Cover Send Email 
D.s.b. Battle Into Invisable Zone 2002 Kangaroo Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
D.s.b. / Assassinators, The Liberate 2010 Alerta Antifascista, Halo Of Fli Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1200 Send Email 
D'rotzbouwen / F.i.o.m. Split 1997 Anomie Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Llmt. 700 Send Email 
Damage Deposit Do Damage 2003 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Damage Deposit Straight To The Bottom 2004 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Rice Paper Obi Strip Grey, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Damages Reality Disease Ep 2014 Damaging Noise Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Damitol More 1993 Flat End Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Damitol Self Titled 1993 Discontent Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Darge / Hellsakura Tropical Mud 2011 Karasu Killer, Tumba, Hiroshima Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dead Instrument / P.l.f. Season Of Velocity 2014 Crucificados Pelo Sistema, Raw B Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dead Silence Hell, How Could We Make Any More Money Than This 1995 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Dead Silence Hope 1989 Timekiller Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dead Silence A Benefit 1994 Spiral Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dead Silence / Tit Wrench Two Dogs 1994 Vinyl Communications Very Good 0.00 Marble Send Email 
Deadfall Comrades Ep 2004 625 Thrashcore Very Good 0.00 Yellow Translucent, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Deadfall Keep Telling Yourself It's Okay 2006 Tankcrimes, Punks Before Profits Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Deadfall Self Titled 2003 Controlled By Plague Excellent 0.00 Green Transparent, Second Press, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Deadstate The Long Cold Season 1999 Organize And Arise Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Deadstate / Banished Split 1998 Organize And Arise Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dean Dirg / Bombenalarm Split 2006 Hate Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Dearborn S.s. Self Titled 2000 Council Records, Lengua Armada D Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1140 Send Email 
Deathbag Self Titled 2002 Hemorrhaging Loudness / Get The  Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Deathbag / Witch Hunt Split 2002 Hemorrhaging Loudness Excellent 0.00 Green Translucent Send Email 
Deathlag War 2019 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Deathreat Deathreat 1997 Prank Very Good 0.00 Fifth Press, Red, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Deathreat Self Titled 1998 Partners In Crime Excellent 0.00 Tour version. Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Deathtribe / Kriegshog 3 Track Ep Plus Support / 警告 2008 In Crust We Thrash Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Deceived Smash Patriarchy 1995 Reiterate Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Decrepit If You Love Animals Called Pets... Why Do You Ea 1997 Consensus Reality Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Decrepit / Phalanx Split 1999 Un-yelliman Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Decrepit / Scathed Split  Un-yelliman Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Deface Self Titled 1996 Deep Six Records Very Good 0.00 Blue Cover Send Email 
Deface Government Denies Knowledge 1996 Beer City Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Defacto Oppression Were Digging Our Own Graves 1999 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Defacto Oppression We're Digging Our Own Graves 1999 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Blue Cover, Red Send Email 
Defacto Oppression Were Digging Our Own Graves 1999 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Second Pressing, Green Send Email 
Default Beyond Our Means 1994 Beer City Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Default Die With Honor 1997 Power Ground Records Excellent 0.00 S/Sided Send Email 
Default Restraint 1995 Anomie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Defeat Self Titled 2012 Regurgitated Semen Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Defector パンクシステムデストロイ 2003 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Defiance Johnny Was A Soldier 2010 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Defiance Against The Law E.p 2003 Dirty Punk Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Defiance Burn 1995 Consensus Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Defiance No Time 1997 Profane Existence / Skuld Releas Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Defiance Self Titled 1994 Consensus Reality Excellent 0.00 Black and White Cover Send Email 
Deformation Quadric Irresponsible And Indifferent E.p. 2019 Pogo 77 Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Deformed Conscience Constant Strife 1993 Adversity Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Deformed Conscience Self Titled 1992 Off The Disk Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Deformed Conscience / 3-way Cum Split 1994 Sludge Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Deformed Conscience / Scourge Split 1993 Spoon Fed Records Excellent 0.00 Screen Printed Cover Send Email 
Deformed Conscience / Scourge Split 1993 Spoon Fed Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Deformity Shards 2012 La Vida Es Un Mus, Always Restrictions Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Dejecta / Unholy Grave Grind Heads E.p. 2008 Awesome Mosh Power Records, Wyatt Earp Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 402 Send Email 
Dekadent Wacht Endlich Auf! 1996 Civilisation Records, Dekadent R Excellent 0.00 Second Press, Yellow, Lmt. 1050 Send Email 
Dekadent / Peruutus Split 1997 Civilisation Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt.1050 Send Email 
Deletär Self Titled 2017 Flower Of Carnage, Kick Rock Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Demencia Alkoholika / Juana La Loka Demencia Alkoholika / Juana La Loka 2006 Sin Temores Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Demise The Essence Of Shit 1992 Discontent Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Denak / Gored Face Sigue El Juego / Beaten 'till No Recognition 2002 Nuclear Bbq Party, Living Dead R Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 518 Send Email 
Denied, The Self Titled 1993 Seizure Records Excellent 0.00 Maroon Vinyl, Red Cover Send Email 
Depressor 打倒一切权威主义 1998 Caustic Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Deprived Reject The Illusion.. Class War Now!! 1991 Resistance Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Deprived / Resist Fuck All Governments! 1992 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Black 6500 Send Email 
Desastre Mundo Velho 2002 Shit, Peace & Tofu Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Desastre Vasto Deserto 2018 Nuclear Fear Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Desastre Espiral De Barbáries 2017 Two Beers Or Not Two Beers Recor Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Desastre / Lixo Split 1999 Sin Fronteras Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Desecration Broken Peace 1997 Grito Records Excellent 0.00 #440/500 Send Email 
Deskonocidos Problemas 2009 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Deskonocidos Self Titled 2009 540 Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Desolate Void Northern Aggression 2012 Crimes Against Humanity Excellent 0.00 #042/300 Send Email 
Desolation Self Titled 2003 Sly Records Excellent 0.00 Clear Blue Send Email 
Desolation Self Titled 2003 No Options Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Desperat Början På Slutet 2012 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00 Blue Translucent Send Email 
Desperat Demokrati Eller Diktatur? 2012 Beach Impediment Records Excellent 0.00 Black Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Desperat Början På Slutet 2012 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Desperat Suicide Attack 2011 World Funeral Excellent 0.00 Second Press, Gold Transparent Send Email 
Desperdicio El Nuevo Mundo/ Da Gritos! 2016 Doomed To Extinction Records Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided, Clear Send Email 
Despise Desolate 2013 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Despite The Last Breath Of A Dying Race 1999 Skit Records Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Despite The Last Breath Of A Dying Race 1999 Skit Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Despite The Last Breath Of A Dying Race 1999 Diabloarchy Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Destroy! Burn This Racist System Down! 1992 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Early Pressing Black Send Email 
Destroy! Total Fucking Chaos 1991 Relapse Excellent 0.00 2000 Send Email 
Destroy! Burn This Racist System Down! 1992 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Fourth Pressing, Marble 2000 Send Email 
Destroy! Burn This Racist System Down! 1992 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Third Press, White Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Destroy! Burn This Racist System Down! 1999 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Fifth Press, Red, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Destroy! / Disturb Split 1995 Mcr Company Mint 0.00 lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Deterioration / Ixias Split 2021 Shattered Dreams Productions, Haunted Hotel, Ssr Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Detestation The Inhuman Condition 1996 Consensus Reality Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Detestation Blood Of The Gods 1998 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 3500 Send Email 
Detestation A Big White Pat On The Back 1998 Clean Plate Records Mint 0.00 Picture Disc Send Email 
Detestation Europa '98 1998 Consensus Reality Very Good 0.00 Single Sided, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Detestation / Positive Negative Split 1998 Consensus Reality Excellent 0.00 North American edition Send Email 
Dethfox Natural Media Teleforce 2015 Chaos Rural Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Devo Whip It 1980 Warner Bros. Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Devoid Of Faith / Seized Split 1997 Gloom Records Mint 0.00 lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Dhk Extincion 2014 Hysteria Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dhk Primera Maketa 2012 Odio Los Discos Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Dhk / B.e.t.o.e Caminando Sobre Ruinas 2019 Discos Enfermos, Little Jan's Hammer, Cracked Noise Records, La Huylla Rekords Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 525 Send Email 
Diallo Diagram Of A Scam 2001 Yellow Dog Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Diallo Self Titled 2002 Test Pattern Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Diallo / Exhale Split 2003 Cries Of Pain Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Diatribe Aftermath 2007 Get Revenge Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Die Kreuzen Cows And Beer 2007 Barbarian Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black on Orange cover Send Email 
Dillinger Four / Pinhead Gunpowder Split 2000 Adeline Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dios Hastío Self Titled 1998 Peace Punk Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dios Hastio Kerosene - The Lost Tapes 1998-2005 2xep  Vicious Interference Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
Dios Hastio / Septicemia Split 2002 Vicious Interferance Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dios Mio Prey To God  Wednesday Sound  0.00 First Pressing lmt. 200 Send Email 
Dios Mio Shit Life 2009 Tank Crimes / Gnarly Slaughter Mint 0.00 First Pressing 500 Send Email 
Dios Mio / Bring That Shit! Split 2009 Bezerker Records, Give Praise Re Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dir Yassin Durchbrechender Geist 1999 Thought Crime Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dir Yassin Self Titled 2001 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dir Yassin Hitpakchut 2003 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Dirt Scent Of The Kill 1994 Skuld Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 6650 Send Email 
Dirt / Mankind? Beast Or Burden 1994 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Dirt / Mankind? Beast Or Burden 1994 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00 Red Transparent Send Email 
Dirt / Mankind? Beast Or Burden 1994 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00 Clear Transparent Send Email 
Dirt / Mankind? Beast Or Burden 1994 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00 Green Transparent Send Email 
Dirty Wombs Wrecked Youth 2016 Imminent Destruction, Desolate Excellent 0.00 Desolate Records, #31/50 Send Email 
Dirty Wombs Wrecked Youth 2016 Imminent Destruction Records, De Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Disable / Lockheed Splir 2021 Burning Anger, Rawmantic Disasters Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Disable / Warvictims Split 2011 Symphony Of Destruction Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Disaffect Home Of The Slave 1993 Anonymous Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Disagree / Oppressed Conscience Split 1998 Tobacco Shit Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disagree / Ungovern-mental Evolution Of Regression / The End Of Supremacy 1996 Profane Existence / Skuld Releas Excellent 0.00 Purple Marble 3500 Send Email 
Disårder / Anti-social Rejects Shizosplit 2006 Sjakk Matt Plater Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Disarm Regerings Stödda Mord 2012 Voltage Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Disarm / Migra Violenta Technophagous / Especie En Peligro De Extincion 2000 Tetanus, Punkadeka, Massacro, Re Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Disbeer The Frost 1998 Murder Records Very Good 0.00 Picture Disc Send Email 
Disbrigade Raw Noise Dbeat 2017 Pluteras Recs Excellent 0.00 Green Marble Send Email 
Discard Death From Above 2001 Rødel Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Discarga Violenta Dada 1993 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Discarga Violenta Cosmopolita 1991 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dischange / Excrement Of War Split 1991 Finn Records Very Good 0.00 Second Pressing Send Email 
Discharge Realities Of War 2011 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, White, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Discharge Fight Back 2011 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black, Lmt. 1800 Send Email 
Discharge Decontrol 2011 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Discharge Never Again 2011 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Discharge State Violence State Control 2011 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Discider Drinking To Forget The Future 2001 Blood First Family Excellent 0.00 Screen Printed Cover, Clear 100 Send Email 
Discider Self Titled 2006 Offensive Media Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disclose Apocalypse Of Death 2002 Regurgitated Semen Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black Send Email 
Disclose A Mass Of Raw Sound Assault 2001 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1600 Send Email 
Disclose / Besthöven Dis Nightmare Still Continues / A Way To The Tot 2004 Plague Bearer Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disclose / Cluster Bomb Unit Split 1995 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Disclose / Cruelty Controlled By Fear / Untitled 2007 Final Attempt Records, Room 101  Excellent 0.00 Lmt, 500 Send Email 
Disclose / Framtid Chainsawsplit-04 2007 Dan-doh, Regurgitated Semen Reco Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Disclose / Scarred For Life Gray Earth / Untitled 2006 Despotic Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disclose / World Burns To Death Split 2005 Yellow Dog Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Discover Food For The Warmachine 2014 Rawmantic Disasters Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Discover / Anger Burning Split 2008 D-takt & Råpunk Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Disease Destructive Noise Raid 2018 Rawmantic Disasters Excellent 0.00 Repress, Red, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Disease Called Human / Dödsfälla Split 2009 Bad People Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Disfear Powerload 2003 Throne Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disfear Self Titled 1998 Rødel Records, Finn Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Disfear / Doomriders All Paths Lead To Nothing, There Is Only Death 2009 Deathwish Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Disfear / Uncurbed Masslakt / The Strike Of Mankind 1993 Lost And Found Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Disgust Thrown Into Oblivion 1995 Lost And Found Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Disgusted Rotting Within The Flesh 2008 Midnight Sea Recordxs Excellent 0.00 Marble (166 Mixed), #148/666 Send Email 
Disgusting Lies Rich Man / Poor Man 1996 Malarie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disgusting Lies / Fact No One Complains 2000 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Diskelma Self Titled 2006 Kämäset Levyt Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Diskelma / Distress Split 2007 Kämäset Levyt, Human Liberation  Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Diskonto A Shattered Society 1994 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Olive Marble, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Diskonto More Power To The Cops... Is Less Power To The P 1995 Malarie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Diskonto A Shattered Society 1994 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Diskonto Silenced By Oppression 1994 Clean Plate Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Diskonto / Distjej Split 1997 Crust Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dismachine / Cumbrage Split 1995 Your Own Jailer Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Disorder Pain Headache Depression 1994 Trująca Fala Very Good 0.00 Blue Cover Send Email 
Disorder More Noize E.p. 1991 Filthy Fuckin' Punx Records Very Good 0.00 Second Press, Red, Lmt. 250 Send Email 
Disorder / Stagnation U.k Vs Japan Noize Core Wars – 日英雑音戦争 2015 Strong Mind Japan Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dispair Scarred E.p. 2018 Urinal Vinyl, Rawmantic Disaster Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Dispense Nothing But The Truth 1998 Rødel Records, Finn Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Dispose / Displode Apocalypse Approaches / The Face Of War 2012 Crucificados Pelo Sistema, Reset Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dispose / Skitsofrenia Wardread / Raw Mass & Destruction 2015 Rawmantic Disasters, K.tuotanto Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Disreantiyouthhellchristbastardassmanx / Agathoc Disgrace To The Corpse Of New School / Agathocle 2003 Thrashbot, Agromosh Very Good 0.00 Gold Send Email 
Disrespect Justice In A Bag 2004 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 666 Send Email 
Disrespect Self Titled 2004 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Disrespect Wartorn 2005 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Disrupt Self Titled 1995 Crust Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disrupt Deprived 1994 Relapse Records Excellent 0.00 Clear 100 Send Email 
Disrupt Smash Divisions 1991 S-o-a Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Disrupt Millions Die For Money Making 1998 Fan Release Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Disrupt / Destroy! Split 1991 Adversity Excellent 0.00 Yellow 2000 Send Email 
Disrupt / Disdain Split 1992 Desperate Attempt Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disrupt / Warcollapse Untitled / Drunk Collapsed Destroyed 1994 Crust Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dissect / Los Rezios Dissect / El Inicio Del Rechazo 2005 To Many!!! Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Dissekerad Self Titled 2018 Varning Records Excellent 0.00 Limited Edition Send Email 
Dissekerad Iv 2017 Phobia Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Dissekerad / Earth Crust Displacement Split 2020 Rawmantic Disasters Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Dissober / Downward Spiral Split 1998 Aparat Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing lmt. 525 Send Email 
Dissober / Honnör Ss Split E.p. 2018 Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Dissucks A Room With A View Of A World Of Shit E.p. 1996 Subvert & Deny Very Good 0.00 Later Pressing Send Email 
Dissystema Self Titled 2007 Despotic Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Distraught Staring At The Sun 1996 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 White, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Distraught Distraught Ep 1996 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 First Pressing, Marble 2500 Send Email 
Distraught / Thulsa Doom Split 1999 Doomed Recordz Very Good 0.00 First Press, Black 1000 Send Email 
Distress Self Titled 2017 Totalpunk, Halvfabrikat, Drink A Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Distress / Irritation Split 2018 Up The Punx, Rawmantic Disasters Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Disturbio A La Corrupción / Hydrophobia Split 2000 Estajanovismo Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Disturbio Menor Heridas Abiertas 1997 Sin Fronteras Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Disturd Isolation...ep 2011 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Disturd Inside 2014 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Dj Shadow The Number Song (cut Chemist Party Mix) 2021 Umc Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Doctor And The Crippens / Juntess Split 1991 Mcr Company Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Dödläge Self Titled 2015 Wargame, La Humanidad Es La Plag Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Dödsdömd De Sju Dödssynderna 2006 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 1500 with Swedish Title Send Email 
Dodsdomd Self Titled 2006 Cage Match Federation, New Noise Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dog Soldier Maniac 2011 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dog Soldier Ghosts 2006 Whisper In Darkness Very Good 0.00 Black Cover, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Dog Soldier Flies 2005 Whisper In Darkness Very Good 0.00 White, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Dog Soldier Mother Fucker 2016 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Blue Send Email 
Dom Där Revolution / Stench Of Decay! 1991 Elderberry Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Doña Maldad ...en Llamas De Rabia 2005 Noseke Records, Les Nains Aussi, Excellent 0.00 lmt. 510 Send Email 
Doña Maldad / Ceneracion Pendioa A Tentando Y Propaganda En Suramériea Split 2003 Too Many!!!!! Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Doña Maldad / Los Dolares No Hay Camino Hacia La Autogestion, La Autogesti 2003 Deskontento Records, Dm Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Doom Police Bastard 1989 Profane Existence / Ayf Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing Send Email 
Doom Live In Japan 1992 Ecocentric Records Excellent 0.00 Black and Blue Cover, lmt. 1500-2000 Send Email 
Doom Self Titled 2011 Black Cloud Records Excellent 0.00 #527/1000, Grey Marble Send Email 
Doom Consumed To Death 2015 Black Cloud Records Excellent 0.00 Gatefold, Red Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Doom Pissed, Robbed And Twatted 2001 Nuclear Sun Punk Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Doom Hail To Sweden 1994 Pandoras Box Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Doom Monarchy Zoo 1996 Discipline / Vinyl Japan Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Doom Multinationals, Raping Mother Nature 1990 Fan Club Release Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Doom Police Bastard 2017 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Tour Edt., #41/200 Send Email 
Doom Police Bastard 2017 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Repress, Black, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Doom / Electrozombies Hey Love(fear) Death / Electrozombies 2017 Angry Voice Excellent 0.00 Second Press, Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Doom / Hiatus Split 1993 Flat Earth Excellent 0.00 lmt. to 5000 Send Email 
Doom Siren Tyranny Ep 2008 Burnt Bridges Records Very Good 0.00 Pink Send Email 
Doomsday Hour / Mouth Sewn Shut Split 2008 Swissed Off Records / Despotic R Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dread 101 Self Titled 2000 Insane Socitey Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Dresden God Has No Mercy 2010 Profane Existence, Crimes Agains Excellent 0.00 Blue Transparent, #288/300 Send Email 
Dresden Extinguish The Cross 2012 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Green Marble 200 Send Email 
Dresden God Has No Mercy 2010 Profane Existence, Crimes Agains Excellent 0.00 Cloth Screen, Blue, #91/300 Send Email 
Droids, The Ja Bede Bardzo Dobry 1997 Powerground Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing Ltm. 300 Send Email 
Droids, The Maja Kochana Mamusia Marysia Mania 1996 Beer City Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Droids, The / Boris The Sprinkler Split 1995 Powerground Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dromdead Donde Esta Tu Dios ? 2009 Moo Cow Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dronez Corporate Funded Terror 2015 Ryvvolte Records Excellent 0.00 #130/300 Send Email 
Dropdead Self Titled 1994 Crust Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Dropdead / Brainoil Split 2014 Armageddon Label Excellent 0.00 Smoky Clear/Black, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Dropdead / Ruidosa Inmundicia A Fall Of Empires / Asco 2013 Armageddon Label Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dropdead / Systematic Death Fighting For Life 2013 Armageddon Label Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dropdead / Totalitär Split 2002 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Grey Marble Send Email 
Dropdead / Unholy Grave Split 2003 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dropend Demonstration 2011 2012 Symphony Of Destruction, Gasmask Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 482 Send Email 
Drugcharge Self Titled 2016 Sorry State Excellent 0.00 Flexi, Lmt. 250 Send Email 
Dudman Fu Hatsu Dann Otoko 2001 Denied A Custom Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Ebola Self Titled 1995 Thought Crime Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Ebola Imprecation 1997 Flat Earth, Refusenik Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Econochrist Another Victim 1993 Ebullition Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Ectoplasm Self Titled 2013 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ectoplasm Self Titled 2013 Vinyl Rites Very Good 0.00 Reissue, Lmt. 550 Send Email 
Eddy J I Love My Green Bay Packers (packer Polka) 1996 Golden Entertainment Co. Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Effigy From Hell 2003 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Effigy / äpärät We Knows Our Guilty / Lama On Loppumassa 2001 Forest Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Effluxus Demo 2011 2011 Radical Punks Never Die Excellent 0.00 #137/250 Send Email 
Effluxus Devoid Ep 2013 Prank Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 391 Send Email 
Ekkaia ¿cuantos Más Moritemos Hasta Que Esten Satisfech 2003 Chaos/muchacho/cruda Realidad Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Elvis Presley Return To Sender B/w Where Do You Come From 1962 Rca Victor Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
End Result / B.e.t.o.e Nuclear Stockpiles 2020 Cracked Noise, No Name, Manic St Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Endless Blockade, The Come Friendly Bombs 2008 Fatalist Excellent 0.00 Repress, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Endless Nightmare / Dissystema Split 2005 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Ens! Ändlöst Vansinne Ep 1998 Crash Mag Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Entrails Massacre / Cad Live On Ms Stubnitz / Que Despierte El Leñador 2002 Towerviolence Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Entrails Massacre / Mesrine Split 2013 Uranium Overdose Excellent 0.00 Clear / Blue Splatter, #57/525 Send Email 
Enzyme Piss On Authority 2017 Crust War, Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Enzyme Abuse Of Power 2017 Crust War, Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ernst And The Edsholm Rebels Doomsday Troops - 5-spårs E.p. 2013 Loud Punk Record Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Remastered, Yellow Send Email 
Erradict / Suss Law Split 2016 Doomed To Extinction Records Excellent 0.00 Blue Send Email 
Esperanza Choice 2016 Kämäset Levyt Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Estranged, The Entranced 2008 Deadideas Excellent 0.00 First Press, Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Estranged, The Frozen Fingers 2018 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Estranged, The Self Titled 2008 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Eu's Arse, The Lo Stato Ha Bisogno Di Te? Bene, Fottilo. 2014 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black Send Email 
Everly Brothers, The Bye Bye Love / I Wonder If I Care As Much 1957 Cadence Good 0.00  Send Email 
Everly Brothers, The Wake Up Little Susie B/w Maybe Tomorrow 1974 Barnaby Records Very Good 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Evolved To Obliteration Self Titled 1996 Clean Plate Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue, Lilac Marbled Send Email 
Exacerbacion Desastre Humano 2014 Pan Del Muerte Records, Sphc Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 516 Send Email 
Exacerbación / Dios Hastío / Juventud Podrida Split 2015 Human Slaughterhouse, Eskaramuza Distri, Goh (2), Grind Your Mind Records, Lógica Ciega Very Good 0.00 #008/300 Send Email 
Exclaim, The Out Of Suit Ep 1999 Sound Pollution Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Excruciating Terror Live At Gilman 1997 625 Thrashcore Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1300 Send Email 
Excruciating Terror / Agathocles Respect / Stained 1997 Pessimiser, Theologian Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Excruciating Terror / Cyness Split 2016 Fat Ass Records Excellent 0.00 Green Marbled, Lmt. 465 Send Email 
Execradores Revolucionar O Cotidiano, Cotidianizar A Revoluç 1996 Elephant, Esperanza Gravaciones Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Execradores Odio Vital! 1998 Sin Fronteras Records Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Execradores Odio Vital! 1998 Sin Fronteras Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Execute, The Self Titled 2014 Fanclub Release Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Execution Flags Of Convenience 2018 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Exercise / Dames, The Minnesota Attacks Vol. 2 2002 Learning Curve Records Excellent 0.00 lmt. 500 Send Email 
Exhale Strive Against Fate 2001 Throw Up Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Exhumed The Beginning After The End 2013 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided, Red Send Email 
Exhumed / No Comply Instruments Of Hell / Protect Yo Neck! 1998 Agitate / Open Wound Excellent 0.00 #671/1000 Send Email 
Extended Hell Call Of The Void 2018 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Extinction Of Mankind Scars Of Mankind Still Weep 1998 Profane Existence / Skuld Excellent 0.00 2140 pressed Send Email 
Extinction Of Mankind Weakness 1994 Skuld Releases Excellent 0.00 4408 pressed Send Email 
Extinction Of Mankind Ale To England 2002 Malarie Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Extinction Of Mankind / Doom Doomed To Extinction 1994 Ecocentric Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1500-2000 Send Email 
Extinction Of Mankind / Warcollapse Extinction Of Mankind / Massgenocide 1994 Elderberry Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Extreme Noise Terror Are You That Desperate 1995 Crust Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Extreme Noise Terror The Peel Sessions 1994 Bootleg Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Eyehategod The Liar's Psalm 2014 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Transparent Red Send Email 
Eyeless Gloomy Days 2003 Blackprint Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
F.i.i.t.d. / Insect Warfare Split 2008 Six Weeks Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
F.i.o.m. The Way Ahead Is Very Narrow 1997 Forest Records Very Good 0.00 Pink Send Email 
F.o.t.k. Cabal 2021 Phobia, Organize And Arise Excellent 0.00 w/ flexi, Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Fairytale Self Titled 2021 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Fairytale Self Titled 2021 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00 Mispress, 33rpm, Test Press Send Email 
Fallas Del Sistema / Last Chance Split 2001 Sin Fronteras Excellent 0.00 Black, Screen Printed Cover Send Email 
False Hunger 2017 Gilead Media Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Fatum / Distress Split 2012 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Fatum / Instinct Of Survival Split 2018 Headnoise Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Favela Rising / Death From Above Retratos Do Gotidiano / Fantasmas Da Guerra 2012 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Fbs Live Grenade 2009 Yumi Records Excellent 0.00 #349/500 Send Email 
Fear Of Extinction Self Titled 2011 Phobia Records, Abc Distro, Riot Excellent 0.00 Lm. 525 Send Email 
Fear Of Extinction / Makabert Fynd Split 2013 Phobia/gasmask/hluboká Orba Excellent 0.00 Black 396 Send Email 
Fear Of Extinction / March Of The Hordes Split 2014 Phobia, Véva, Rawmantic Disaster Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 204 Send Email 
Fear Of Tomorrow Self Titled 2010 Charged//distorted Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Femacoffin Self Titled 2014 Brainsand Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Festa Desperato Self Titled 2006 Samuel Records Mint 0.00 #37/100 Send Email 
Festa Desperato Nový Babylon 2006 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1015 Send Email 
Filth Of Mankind Czas Końca Wieku 1999 Scream Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Filthkick Hand Crushed Heart 1992 Desperate Attempt Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Final Assualt The Corpses Say Nothing 2015 Outcast Records Excellent 0.00 Brown Marble, #505/500? Send Email 
Final Conflict Self Titled 2010 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Red Lmt. 200, Limited Cover Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Final Massakre The Bells Of Hell Toll The Final Chime 1999 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Final Warning Eyes Of A Child 1994 Tribal War Records Excellent 0.00 Blue Send Email 
Final Warning Demonstration 1983 2015 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black Send Email 
Final Warning Self Titled 2008 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Flags Will Cover The Cofins Self Titled 2009 Thin Crust Records Excellent 0.00 lmt 400 Send Email 
Flash Out Death Dealer Ep 2017 Imminent Destruction, To Live A  Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Fleas And Lice Parasites 1993 Skuld Releases Excellent 0.00 Red Cover Send Email 
Flower City Maggots Consume Ep 2022 Esos Malditos Punks Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Flux Of Pink Indians Taking A Liberty 1984 Spiderleg Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Força Macabra Self Titled 1997 Crust Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Força Macabra A Raiz De Todo O Mal (edição Metal) 2003 Rescued From Life Records Excellent 0.00 Red Cover, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Força Macabra Ao Vivo No Japão - 2001 2005 No Fashion Hc Records Excellent 0.00 Red Transparent Send Email 
Força Macabra A Raiz De Todo O Mal (edição Metal) 2003 Rescued From Life Records Excellent 0.00 Blue Cover, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Força Macabra Self Titled 2001 Thrash Records Good 0.00 Flexi, Clear Send Email 
Forward Apathy Kills People 2018 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Forward Another Dimension 2018 Break The Records, Farewell Reco Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Forward What Are You Gonna Get? Ep 1998 Fast Nail Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Forward Feel The Core Of Self E.p 1997 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Forward Devil's Cradle Ep 2012 540 Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Forward / Long Knife Burning Spirits North America Tour 2014 2014 Long Knife Records Excellent 0.00 #393/500 Send Email 
Forward / Teargas Burning Spirits 2014 2014 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Fracaso Self Titled 2012 Self Released Excellent 0.00 #456/500 Send Email 
Fragment Serial Mass Destruction 2020 Sewercide Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Fragment Mind Convulsion 2021 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Fragment Mind Convulsion Ftp 2021 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00 Failed Test Press, 33 1/3 Send Email 
Framed, The You're Wrecking Me 2001 Lucky Sevens Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Framed, The The Great Rock N' Roll Rip-off 2003 Self Released Very Good 0.00 Gold Transparent Send Email 
FrÄmtid The Horrific Visions 2016 Brain Solvent Propaganda Excellent 0.00 Whit,#160/200 Send Email 
FrÄmtid "5 Tracks Devastation" Ep 2017 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 528 Send Email 
FrÄmtid 8 Track Ep 2000 Wicked Witch Records, Crust War Excellent 0.00 Third Press Send Email 
FrÄmtid The Horrific Visions 2016 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Framtid / Seeinred Split 2007 Hate Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Frenzy Noizey Trouble 2012 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
From Ashes Rise Fragments Of A Fallen Sky 1998 Clean Plate Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
From Ashes Rise Life And Death 1998 Partners In Crime Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
From Ashes Rise Rejoice The End / Rage Of Sanity 2012 Southern Lord Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Fromtheashes / A Den Of Robbers Untitled / Gloves Off 2008 Ihh Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Frustration Disintegrate 2013 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Frustration Self Titled 2010 Inimical Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Frustration Broken Defective 2011 Inimical Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Fuck On The Beach / Matka Teresa All The World / Matka Teresa 2003 Regurgitated Semen Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Fudge / 突撃戦車 Totsugeki Sensya No Racism, No War / Untitled 2002 625 Thrashcore Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
G-anx Out Of Reach 1993 Elderberry Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
G-anx Far Out 1989 Finn Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
G-anx / Filthy Christians Fri Som En Fågel… / Filthy Christians 2022 Armageddon Label Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Red Send Email 
G.a.u. Total Mind Destruction 2016 Byllepest Distro Excellent 0.00 Green, #89/200 Send Email 
Gaizin Self Titled 2018 General Speech Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 330 Send Email 
Gasmask TerrÖr Architects Of Death 2008 Wake Up Anarchy Rider, Flower Of Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Gasmask TerrÖr 17101961 2013 Solar Funeral, Sphc Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Gasmask TerrÖr Self Titled 2005 Plague Bearer Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt, 1000 Send Email 
Gasmiasma Trenchrats E.p. 2011 Noxious Noize! Records, Levee Do Excellent 0.00 #174/500 Send Email 
Gatecreeper Sweltering Madness 2017 Closed Casket Activities Excellent 0.00 Clear with black spatter, Lmt.750 Send Email 
Gatecreeper / Young And In The Way All Your Sins And Solitude 2016 A389 Recordings Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Gaucho Desplazados 2016 Iron Lung Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Geiger Counter Nuclear Ep 2018 Anomie Records Excellent 0.00 Red/Black Splatter, #035/270 Send Email 
Generals Chaotic Life 2017 Kämäset Levyt, Rock 'n' Roll Bul Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Gerações Perdidas Motivos Para Resistir 2017 To Many!!! Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Getting Even E.p. 2010 Pass Judgement Records, One Perc Excellent 0.00 Purple, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Giftgas / Kontatto Chaos Not Music!! / Mai Piú 2000 Wall Of Noise Very Good 0.00 Clear / Red Splatter Send Email 
Gism Anarchy Violence 2014 Bootleg Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Global Holocaust / Massgrave Revenge 2006 Unrest Records Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
GlÖm DÄ! ...i Skuggan Av Eran Stia... 2010 To Many!!! Excellent 0.00 Black, Color Sleeve Send Email 
Gloom Mentally Achronistic 2000 2000 Mcr Company, Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Gloom Speed Noise Hardcore Rags 2000 Speed Noise Hardcore Rags Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Glorious? Neverending Butchery 2017 Brain Solvent Propaganda Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Go Filth Go 5 Tracks Noise 2012 Rawmantic Disasters, Truemmer Po Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Gobierno Militar No Hay Opción 2013 Crust As Fuck, Discos Enfermos Very Good 0.00 #494/520 Send Email 
Good Morning Iconoclasm 2001 Dilapidated Excellent 0.00 Green Send Email 
Good Morning / Death First Wake Up And Die Split 2002 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Good Morning / Psykotiv Sinesis Split  Pilapided Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Good Morning / Straight To Your Brain Together At Last 2001 Dilapidated Records, Big Action  Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Good Morning / The Lush Workers Untitled/revolt Destroy Rebuild 2000 Dilapidated Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Gordon Lightfoot Reprise Records 1976 Reprise Records Very Good 0.00 Terre Haute Pressing Send Email 
Goredozer Biological Extinction 2020 Skullgrinder Records, Fuck Your Life Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Graves Fides Ad Nauseam 2015 Goodtimes Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Gride / Abortion Split 2013 Totalitarianism Still Continues Very Good 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Gride / Lies & Distrust Split 1998 Insane Society Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Grief / 13 Falling Apart / Wither 1999 Riotous Assembly, Game Two, Mena Very Good 0.00 2nd Press, Black, Red Sleeve Send Email 
Gritos De Alerta / Sick Terror Split 2005 Ups, Power It Up, Filth-ear Dist Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Groinchurn / Grimness Kill For The Devil / Musical Holocaust 2001 Ecatombe Produzioni Excellent 0.00 lmt. 800 Send Email 
Gross National Product Ronald Mcvomits (14 Song Happy Meal) 2006 Bacon Towne Records Excellent 0.00 Grey Marble Send Email 
H.r.w / Grievance Mentes Vazias... Ep / .ultima,forse & Sembra. 1998 Paank Records Mint 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
Haava Totaalinen Haava 2011 Overthrow Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Hail Of Rage Fucking Pissed 1996 Anomie Records Excellent 0.00 Yellow Opaque Send Email 
Harum-scarum / Stupor Violent Measures / Stupor 2000 Malarie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hässäkkä Totaalinen Vitun Ep 1995 Rönky Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Havaistys / Effigy Laki Ja Evankeliumi / The Falling Clouds 2002 Whisper In Darkness Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Havaistys / Effigy Laki Ja Evankeliumi / The Falling Clouds 2002 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00 Black/White Sleve Send Email 
Hävittäjät Self Titled 2014 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00 Blue Translucent Send Email 
Hazard Free From It! E.p 2016 Pogo 77 Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hazardous Waste Another Warning 1995 Lazy Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Health Hazard Not Just A Nightmare 1993 Minstrel Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1300 Send Email 
Health Hazard / Sawn Off On A Path To No Tomorrow / Songs Of Praise 1997 Flat Earth, Smack In The Mouth Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Hegoat Edict 1995 Allied Recordings Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Hell On Earth Early Years: Hell Never Lets Go! Pt 1 2006 Trigger-on-the-dutendoo Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Hell Spawn / Sasquatch Homebrew Holocaust / Sasquatch 1993 Victim, Grita O Muere, Kremóns,  Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Hellexist / The Bollocks Split Ep 2018 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Hellish View Holy Horrors 2020 Disarmy Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hellish View Reaper's Hand 2019 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Hellkrusher Victims Of Hate 1999 Skuld Releases Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hellkrusher Dying For Who 1992 Tribal War Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hellkrusher Feilds Of Blood 1994 Skuld Releases Excellent 0.00 Orange Send Email 
Hellkrusher / Bullet Ridden Air Attack / Stricken From The Records 2012 Antisociety Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Hellkrusher / Präparation-h Split 1998 Wicked Witch Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Hellnation / Chaotic Formidable Destruction Leag Split 1996 Sound Pollution Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hellshock World Darkness 2005 Black Water Excellent 0.00 #94/200 Send Email 
Hellshock 灼熱地獄tour2005 2005 Black Water Excellent 0.00 #074/522 Send Email 
Hellshock Arrows To The Poor / Last Sunset 2003 Whisper In The Darkness Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hellshock Warlord 2005 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, White 1000 Send Email 
Hellshock World Darkness 2005 Black Water Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hellshock Low Men In Yellow Cloaks 2014 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Yellow, #108/200 Send Email 
Hellshock / Age Born Out Of Darkness 2009 H:g Fact Excellent 0.00 Standard Cover, Black Send Email 
Hellshock / Consume Split 2003 Shock Excellent 0.00 Second Pressing Send Email 
Helpless, The Absurd Human Performance ! 2011 Crucificados Pelo Sistema Excellent 0.00 Pink Transparent Send Email 
Helvetin Viemärit Kauhea Melu Oksennus 2013 Moribund, Trapo Preto, Absurd, U Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Herätys Näen Punaista 2013 Prank Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 339 Send Email 
Herätys Helvettiin Ja Takaisin 2010 La Familia Releases Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Heretical Response Envision 1997 Goat Lord Records Excellent 0.00 #30/999 Send Email 
Hiatus Way Of Doom 1991 Profane Existence / Smut Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 5000 Send Email 
Hiatus / Embittered Blind Justice For All / From The Outside Looking 1992 Desperate Attempt Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Hiatus / Fleas And Lice Polish Bastards 1993 Scream Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hiatus / Reach A Mental Road Severe Existence / Soulforce 1991 Mcr Company Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Hiatus / Subcaos Disarm All Pigs Now! / Police Riot 1993 Slime Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hibernation Self Titled 1997 Malarie Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hibernation Loneliness 2000 Maximum Voice Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Hirax El Diablo Negro 2000 Deep Six Records, Black Devil Records Very Good 0.00 Picture Disc Send Email 
His Hero Is Gone Fool's Gold 1999 Coalition Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
His Hero Is Gone Dead Of Night In Eight Movements 1996 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Fifth Pressing, Purple 1000 Send Email 
His Hero Is Gone Fools Gold 1998 Great American Steak Religion Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Hjertestop Åårh Fuck... Det Er Hjertestop ! 2009 Fashionable Idiots Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Ho99o9 U.s.h. / City Rejects - United States Of Horror 2017 Toys Have Powers Excellent 0.00 Signed by Eaddy Send Email 
Hoax Caged / Sick Punk 2013 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Holding On What Happened? 2000 One Percent Records Very Good 0.00 White Send Email 
Holding On / The Real Enemy Split 1999 Havoc Records / 1% Records Excellent 0.00 Second Pressing, Clear 1000 Send Email 
Holokaust Self Titled 2002 After The Bomb Records Very Good 0.00 White Label Send Email 
Holokaust / Dissystema Split 2003 Cries Of Pain Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Homoconsumens / Výbor Veřejného Blaha Homoconsumens / Vocaď Pocať! 2003 Malarie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Homomilitia / Forca Macabra Split 1995 Malarie Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Honnör Ss D-noise Anthem Ep 2015 Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Honnör Ss Leftovers In Decay 2018 Nuclear Fear Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Honnör Ss Ep 2018 Phobia Records Excellent 0.00 Flexi, #133/500 Send Email 
Human Compost / Geraniüm Split 2010 Tank Records, Kanivo Chaos, Bes- Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Human Order Seld Titled 2003 Cataclysm Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Human Waste I Skuggan Av Erat Sverige 2001 No Future Records, Contempt Reco Very Good 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Human Waste Lagar Är Till För Att Brytas 2001 Contempt, New Noise Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Human Waste Från Generation Till Generation 2002 Halvfabrikat, New Noise Very Good 0.00 First Press, Lmt. 209 Send Email 
Human Waste I Väntan På Socialbidraget... 2003 Dimman, Halvfabrikat, New Noise, Very Good 0.00 First Press, Lmt. 410 Send Email 
Human Waste Slit Dej Fri 2001 Contempt, New Noise, No Future,  Very Good 0.00 Blue Send Email 
Human Waste / Aldo Split 2001 New Noise Records Very Good 0.00 Purple/Clear Send Email 
Human Waste / Personkrets 3:1 Split 2003 Halvfabrikat Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 501 Send Email 
Human Waste / Uncle Charles Split 2003 Halvfabrikat, Regression Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 410 Send Email 
Humanmania / Dronez Split 2017 Ryvolte Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Humant Blod Flykten Från Verkligheten 2020 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
I.a.f. / Under Threat Masakre Animal / Under Threat 1994 Japankore Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
I.r.d. Aldrig Köpt - Aldrig Såld E.p. 2003 Bridge Of Compassion Records, Co Mint 0.00 lmt. Black 900 Send Email 
Icons Of Filth Used, Abused, Unamused 1995 Corpus Christi Excellent 0.00 Unofficial Release Send Email 
Icons Of Filth Not On Her Majestys Service  Motorhate Excellent 0.00 Bootleg Send Email 
Ilegal La Vida Es El Producto De Nuestra Esperanza Y La 2011 Todo Destruido, W-tapes Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
In Anger Reality Blind E.p. 1992 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Infekcja Self Titled 1997 Trująca Fala ‎ Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Infekcja / S.o. War Twórz Rzeczywistość / Polish Bastard 1998 Chaos W Mojej Głowie Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Infernal Stronghold / Woe The Land Of Piss And Poison 2007 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Green, #181/424 Send Email 
Infernoh / Effluxus Split 2014 Rust And Machine Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Initial Detonation Self Titled 1998 Sensual Underground Ministries Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Initial Detonation So Selleth The Shepherd, So Buyeth The Flock 1999 Sensual Underground Ministries Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Inkisição / Battle Of Disarm Split 1995 Ataque Sonoro Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Inkwizycja Slowo 1998 Nikt Nic Nie Wie Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Insane Youth Breakthrough Blockbuster 1996 Dan-doh Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Insect Warfare / Carcass Grinder Untitled / Do You Love Grind? Pt:4 2008 Psychocontrol Records Excellent 0.00 Second press, Lmt 525, red / yellow Send Email 
Insect Warfare / Hatred Surge Split 2006 Regurgitated Semen Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Insolentes / Txixaparrazta Split 2006 Humildad Y Honestidad, Difusion  Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Insomnia Isterica / Terror Firmer Alcoholocaust 2012 L'é Tütt Folklor Records, Audio  Excellent 0.00 Transparent Yellow, #285/520 Send Email 
Instangd Mitt Svar På Ingenting 2007 Sorry State Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Instangd Konkret Och Brutal E.p. 2008 Adult Crash Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Instant Asshole / Mouth Sewn Shut Split 2008 Tankcrimes Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Black 800 Send Email 
Instinct Of Survival Self Titled 2000 Yellow Dog Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Instinct Of Survival Lapsed Into Absurdity 2013 Lapsed Into Absurdity Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Instinct Of Survival / Life Split 2016 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500, Screenprinted cover Send Email 
Instinct Of Survival / Völkermord Split 2016 Institut Für Mentale Hygiene Excellent 0.00 Black 500 Send Email 
Institution Världens Ändstation 2013 D-takt & Råpunk Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Intense Youth! Self Destruct 2003 Behold, The Youthquake! Excellent 0.00 Tour Press Send Email 
Internal Autonomy Only You Have The Power 1993 Profane Existence / Dying Earth Very Good 0.00 2x7", lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Internt Oppgjør / Discunt Split 2016 Byllepest Distro Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Invaasio Läpinäkyvää 1994 Free Animals Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Invasores De Cérebros Self Titled 1996 Desculpe Aturá-los! Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ire Self Titled 1997 Schema Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Iron Butter / Rot Harpo's Bizarre! / Insomnia 2008 Haunted Hotel Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Irreal 2020 Ep 2020 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Irritation Socialrealismen 2014 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Iskra The Terrorist Act Ep 2006 Unrest Records Mint 0.00 Black 1000 Send Email 
Iskra / Self Rule Split 2005 Unrest Records Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Isotope Midnight Soldier 2015 Rust And Machine Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Isotope Midnight Soldier 2015 Rust And Machine Excellent 0.00 #27/50 Send Email 
Isterismo / Krömosom Hardcore Pollution 2011 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Jack / Niyazov Split 2020 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Järjestyshäiriö Ep 2009 Stay Free Underground, Fight Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Jean Seberg Self Titled 2000 Murder Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Jeño Drained 1997 Bad People Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Joukkohauta Joukkohauta E.p. 2021 Audacious Madness Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Jud Jud The Demos 2007 No Idea Records Very Good 0.00 Repress, Marbled Green Send Email 
Jud Jud No Tolerance For Instruments 2000 Schematics Records Very Good 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Judgement Just Be... 2009 Prank / Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Judgment Disorderly / Dra Åt Helvete Split 1997 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Juggling Jugulars / Anger Of Bacterias Tre240198 / Untitled 1998 Ruin Nation Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Juventud Podrida / S.d.a Split Ep 2015 Lógica Ciega, The Return, Immine Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kaaos Valtio Tuhoaa Ei Rakenna 1996 Fight Records Very Good 0.00 Green Send Email 
Kaaos Huvikumpu Tapes 1982 2022 Fight Records Excellent 0.00 Repress, 2nd Press, Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Kaaos Nukke-ep 2000 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Kaaos / Cadgers Split 2005 Höhnie, Burglcut Excellent 0.00 Repress, Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Kaaos / Svart Aggression Split 2000 Fight Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kaivosurma Bronstein 2000 Slode Headquarters Excellent 0.00 Yellow, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Kakafoni Seizures 2014 Phobia Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Kakistocracy And So You Spill Your Children's Blood...... 2001 Ponk 111, Arson Records, Uncorpo Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kakistocracy An Apology 2008 Halo Of Flies, Humdinger, Rust A Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Kakistocracy / Nux Vomica Split 2008 Humdinger /t O Live A Lie Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kansandemokratia Vainottu 1999 Fight Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kansandemokratia Populaatiot Pois 1997 Maastopipo Productions Very Good 0.00 Yellow Cover Send Email 
Karma / Distress Born As Male Doesn't Mean : Think With Your Dick 1996 Filth-ear Distribution Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Karne Krua "suicidio" 2021 No Gods No Masters, Freedom Excellent 0.00 Remaster, Reissue Send Email 
Kärnvapen Attack / Disundead Split 2006 Victim, Grita O Muere, Kremóns,  Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kārtël / Ódio Social Sudaka Ataka 2021 Vex Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Katastrof Self Titled 2017 Beach Impediment Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Katastrofialue Nihilistinen Kuolema 1995 Vicious Interference Records Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Kathode Self Titled 1996 Denied Denied A Custom Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kathode / Voidd Split 1998 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Keep Aways, The / D.t.s, The Split 2005 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Red #7/400 Send Email 
Kieltolaki Kuoleva Systeemi 2011 Feral Ward Excellent 0.00 Blue & Green Cover, Black Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Kieltolaki S/t 2006 Moo Cow Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Kieltolaki Elämänvalhe E.p. 2018 Kick Rock Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kill The Man Who Questions S/t 1997 Bloodlink Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kiria Self Tiltled 2011 Konton Crusher Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Kirottu Eloton Maailma 2004 Panikkia Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kirous Sivistyksen Rauniot 1998 Scapegoat Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Knuste Ruter Tusen Grunner 2017 Sjakk Matt Plater Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Kobra Live Queen's Walk Centre, Nottingham, 13 August  2017 Fanclub Release Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kohti Tuhoa Elä Totuudesta 2020 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Kohti Tuhoa Väkivaltaa 2021 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Konfrontation Livslögnen 2001 Mäskdunc Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kontaminat Self Titled 2014 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Kontortion Breed Into Nothing  Roomioi Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kontortion Self Titled 1999 Dead Alive Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kontraattaque Luchas, Tragedias, E Historias De Nuestra Gente 1999 El Grito Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kontraorden Copia 1999 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kontrasekt Self Titled 2011 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kontrovers / Mass Separation Split 2004 Sounds Of Betrayal, Instigate, P Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kool & The Gang Big Fun B/w No Show 1982 De-lite Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kool & The Gang Fresh / In The Heart 1983 De-lite Recorded Sound Corp. Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kool Keith "blast" B/w Uncrushable" Ep 2019 Three One G Excellent 0.00 Limited Edition, Grey Send Email 
Korades / Accion Mutante Hail To Doom 2007 Power It Up Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Korrosive Syövyttävä Laji 2016 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Korrosive Hiroshima 2020 Manic Noise Excellent 0.00 Felxi, S/Sided, #445/500 Send Email 
Koszmar Konton Crasher, Televised Suicide Records 2016 Konton Crasher, Televised Suicid Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided Send Email 
Koszmar Nuklearna Supremacja 2015 Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Krang The Bog Of Eternal Stenchcore 2010 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kranium Skitsamhälle 2004 Self Relased Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kremlin Will You Feed Me ? 2013 Grave Mistake Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kriegshög Hardcore Hell 2008 Heartfirst Very Good 0.00 Second Press Send Email 
Kriegshög Paint It Black/white Out 2019 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Kriegshög Self Titled 2016 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Krig I Hudik Self Titled 2009 Feral Ward Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Krigshot ...och Hotet Kvarstår 2000 Sound Pollution Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Krigshot Terrorist Attack Ep 1997 Sound Pollution Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kromosom Paranoid! 2012 Holy Terror Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Krömosom / Nomad Split 2015 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00 Black 900 Send Email 
Kuoleva Self Titled 2019 Pogo 77 Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Kuoleva Recapture Ep 2020 Pogo 77 Records Excellent 0.00 Red Cover, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Kurraka Hermanas De La Oscuridad 2013 Todo Destruido Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kvoteringen Roffarens Marknad 2005 Terrötten Records Excellent 0.00 Green Send Email 
Kvoteringen Storfinansen 2011 D-takt & Råpunk Record, De:nihil Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Kvoteringen Vidrig Maskinell Framfart 2006 Terrötten Records Excellent 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Kyklooppien Sukupuutto Helvetin Elementit 2005 Kämäset Levyt, Mercy! Mercy! Rec Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Kylesa / Victims Split 2010 La Familia Releases Excellent 0.00 Repress, Blue Black Marbled, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
L.o.t.i.o.n. Digital Control And Man's Obsolesence 2015 Toxic State Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lähempänä Loppua Self Titled Ep 2006 Fight Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Landmine Marathon Self Titled 2012 Deep Six Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Languid No Solace In The Future's Void A Hellish Oblivio 2017 D-takt & Råpunk, Languid Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lapinpolthajat Self Titled 2008 Höhnie, Roku, Heat Wave, Kämäset Excellent 0.00 #25/500 Send Email 
Lasso Amuo 2022 Sorry State, Static Shock Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 250 Send Email 
Last Chaos Kill Dick Control 2012 Hardcore Victim, Flower Of Carna Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Last Chaos / Vaarallinen Split 2013 Hardcore Victim, Havoc Records,  Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Last Security Fuck Your Attitude 1999 Putrid Filth Conspiracy Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Last Survivors, The Don't Care About Raw Fuckin'life 2018 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Last Survivors, The Don't Care About Raw Fuckin'life 2017 Pogo 77 Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Last Survivors, The Chaos Is Here 2002 Crust War Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Last Survivors, The / End Result We Will Resist Stand Up And Fight! 2019 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lastly Crazy Fucked Up Deadly Local 2014 Hardcore Survives Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Lastsentence Beginning Of The Close Mind… 8 Track Ep 2010 Guerrilla Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lastsentence Absurd Days 2015 Guerrilla Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lastsentence / Voco Protesta Split 2015 Doomed To Extinction Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Laudanum Self Titled 2007 Pyrate Punx Records Very Good 0.00 White Send Email 
Lebenden Toten Nuclear Flowers Ep 2003 Wicked Witch Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Left In Ruins Fertilizing The Soil 1998 Putrid Filth Conspiracy Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Legión Hell At Last 1999 Ugly Pop Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Legion 666 / Bombstrike Temple Of Blasphemy 2004 Schizophrenic Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Legion Of Doom A Planet On Its Knees 1999 Crimes Against Humanity Excellent 0.00 Black #138/1000 Send Email 
Legion Of Doom / Antisocial Behavior Split 1998 Subordi-nation Records Very Good 0.00 Limited Color Cover Send Email 
Leprosy 5 Tracks 2011 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00 Green, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Life Proof Of Survival 2014 Heartfirst Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Life When The Peace Collapses 2008 N Crust We Thrash Excellent 0.00 Second Press Send Email 
Life The Master Of Darkness 2001 Punk Bastard Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Life Warning 2009 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Life When The Peace Collapses 2008 In Crust We Thrash Excellent 0.00 First Press Send Email 
Life The Only One Earth 2018 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Life / Zudas Krust Split 2017 Doombringer, Phobia, Crust War,  Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Life Lock / Rappa Split Ep 2015 4490 Records  0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Little Richard Jenny, Jenny B/w Miss Ann 1957 Specialty Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Little Richard Lucille B/w Send Me Some Lovin' 1957 Specialty Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Little Richard Tutti-frutti / I'm Just A Lonely Guy 1957 Specialty Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Little Richard He Girl Can't Help It B/w All Around The World 1956 Specialty Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Loathing / Savage Split 2016 To Live A Lie Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lobotomia Demo 1984 2016 Nada Nada Discos, Spicoli Discos Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Long Knife Night Of The Hunter 2020 Beach Impediment Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Look At Tomorrow Filled With Fear 1996 F.f.t. Label Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Los Eskeletos / Pkdores Split 2012 Saca Guey Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lost Thoughtless 2001 Malarie Records Good 0.00  Send Email 
Lost Cherrees A Man's Duty, A Woman's Place 1984 Mortarhate Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Lost Issues Left Behind 2006 Hungry Ghost Records Excellent 0.00 Salmon Color Cover Send Email 
Lost System No Meaning No Culture 2017 Neck Chop Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lost Tribe Unsound 2012 Distort Reality Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Lost World Posthumanism 2017 Kink Records Excellent 0.00 Black, #425/500 Send Email 
Love Potion Intimacy 2010 Hate Ape Productions Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Luciation Darkened Apocalyptic Occult Goat Ritual 2010 Posh Isolation Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 333 Send Email 
Luzifers Mob Self Titled 1993 Skuld Releases Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Lycanthrophy / Suffering Mind Too Late To Survive / Cycle Of Extinction 2009 Zaraza Production, Bullshit Prop Excellent 0.00 Marble, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
M.v.d "stagnation" Of Thinking 1992 Rødel Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Maailmanloppu Valtaa E.p. 2013 Passing Bells Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Machetazo The Maggot Sessions 2003 Blood First Family Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Majestic Four / Smol Split 1997 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Mala Sangre Ride The Wind... 2008 Threat To Existence Excellent 0.00 Green Marble, Lmt. 450, Screen Printed Cover, Tour Edt. Send Email 
Maldito Pais Los Inocentes Mueren 2013 Trabuc Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Malimpliki Libervola 2018 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mammoth Grinder Obsessed With Death 2010 Hell Massacre Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 375 Send Email 
Man Afraid Uphill Struggle 1995 Half Mast Records Excellent 0.00 Second Pressing, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Man Afraid Those Disenchanted 1997 Half Mast Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Man In Shackles / Last Security Split 1998 Sounds Of Betrayal Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Maneurysm Swallowed By Karma 1997 Power Ground Records Excellent 0.00 White, M02 Send Email 
Maneurysm Swallowed By Karma 1999 Power Ground Records Excellent 0.00 canvis cover Send Email 
Mankind? Won't You Join The Army Now So You Can Fight...  1993 Eugene Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Manual Seven The Shattering 1997 Profane Existence, Skuld Release Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Mardröm Deras Profit, Våran Död 2008 Phobia Records, Emergency Record Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Mareridt Distort Öresund. 2008 D-takt & Råpunk Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Mark Bruback / Whorehouse Of Representatives Burn Down Nike Town 1998 Outcast Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Masakari Eden Compromised 2009 Halo Of Flies Excellent 0.00 First Press, Black, Lmt. 450 Send Email 
Mäsksystem Criminals Are Made, Not Born 2001 Fight Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Mass Genocide Process / See You In Hell Split 2005 Too Many!!! Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Mass Genocide Process / See You In Hell Split 2005 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00 Orange Half Opaque / Half Transparent, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Massgrave Survival Of The Richest 2004 Barrage Of Salt Excellent 0.00 Second Press, Green, Lmt. 412 Send Email 
Massgrave / Think Don't Pray Human Plague / Untitled 2007 Mangled Ankle Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Massgrave / Warfair? Endless Sprawl / Chasm Of Misfortune 2005 Coughing Up, Endless Sprawl Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Masskontroll Recycle Or Die 1994 Consensus Reality Very Good 0.00 Flexi, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Masskontroll Warpath Ep 1985 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Fourth Pressing, Red, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Masskontroll / Heartline Split 1994 Malarie Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Masslakt Massans Likformighet 1999 Consume, Be Silent, Die Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Masslakt Self Titled 1997 Hepatit D Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Matka Teresa / Smg Grindcore Holocaust Split Ep 2009 Too Many!!! Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Mauser End Of The Line Ep 2010 Vinyl Rites Excellent 0.00 First Press, Black, Lmt. 330 Send Email 
Mc5 Borderline / Looking At You 1977 Skydog Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Mdc Multi-death Corporations 2003 Twisted Chords Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Meatmen / Boris The Sprinkler Drugs & Masturbation / True Grit 1995 Bulge Records Excellent 0.00 Repress, 5th Pressing Send Email 
Mellow Harsher Self Titled 2012 625 Thrashcore, Give Praise Reco Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mellow Harsher Served Cold 2015 Malokul Excellent 0.00 Orange, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Mellow Harsher / Internal Rot Split 2015 625 Thrashcore, Regurgitated Sem Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 550 Send Email 
Melt-banana Initial T. 2016 Init Records Excellent 0.00 Brown Opaque, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Memoriam The Hellfire Demos Ii 2017 Nuclear Blast Excellent 0.00 Picture Disc, Repress, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Memoriam Surrounded (by Death) (demo) 2016 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Red, Flexi Send Email 
Memoriam The Hellfire Demos Iii 2017 Nuclear Blast Excellent 0.00 S/Sided, Black, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Menstrual Parasite No Lies 2017 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Menstrual Tramps Late Night Riot 2000 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Menthol Plastic Garden 2016 Not Normal Tapes Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mesrine / Archagathus Live Murder / Archagathus 2006 Bucho Discos Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Mesrine / Epitome Split 2006 Everydayhate Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mesrine / P.l.f Split 2009 To Live A Lie Very Good 0.00 Repress, Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Miasmal Creation Of Fire / Bionic Godhead Erase 2010 Me Saco Un Ojo Records, Detest R Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Migra Violenta / Kontraattaque Split 2003 Desobediencia / Subversive Rhyme Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Mihoen! / Sick Terror Mihoen! / A Nova Escoria 2004 U.p.s Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mild Shag Self Titled 2016 Imminent Destruction Records, Kibou Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Mind / Distress Split 1998 Resuscitate Records Excellent 0.00 Second Press, Black, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Mind As Prison Maryland Grindcore 2011 Bad People, To Live A Lie, Legio Very Good 0.00 BLack, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Mind Control Self Titled 2015 Forward Records Excellent 0.00 Test Press, No Cover Send Email 
Mind Control Self Titled 2015 Forward Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mindcollapse Self Titled 2021 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mindkiller Self Titled 2021 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mindless Human Conditioning 2010 Regurgitated Semen Records ‎ Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Mindless Planet Of Pestilence 2013 To Live A Lie Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Mink Capital Terror Self Titled 1988 Udder Chaos Excellent 0.00 Yellow Cover Send Email 
Mink Capital Terror What Secret Power Does This Man Possess? 1989 Udder Chaos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Misery Your Leaders Were Lying 1994 Squat Or Rot Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Misery Next Time / Full 1996 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Marble, Lmt. 4000 Send Email 
Misery Boon, Fed...slaughtered 1990 Under Siege Records / Discarded Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Misery Blind Dead 1989 Ayf Records Very Good 0.00 White Sleave Send Email 
Misery Children Of War 1991 G.t.g.p. Records Excellent 0.00 Green, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Misery / Hell Spawn Poison Gas Ep 1992 Shit For Brains Very Good 0.00 #103/500 Send Email 
Misery Index Hang Em High 2007 Garden Of Exile Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Misery Index Primitive Future 2015 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided, Orange Send Email 
Misery Index / Bathtub Shitter Split 2006 Emetic Records, Anarchos Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Misery Index / Mumakil Ruling Class Cancelled Split 2007 Power It Up Excellent 0.00 Green, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Missbrukarna Krigets Gentlemän 2008 Mundo Hardcore Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mob 47 War Victim Ep 1993 Spasmoparapsychotic Very Good 0.00 Fan Releaase Send Email 
Mob 47 Hardcore Attack 2011 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Mob 47 Dom Ljuger Igen 2008 Communichaos Media Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Mob 47 Self Titled 2016 Insane Society Records Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Mob 47 1984 Ep 2007 Havoc Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Mock Execution Reality Attack Ep 2019 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Moderat Likvidation Köttahuve 2006 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Remaster, First Pressing, Blue 200 Send Email 
Moment Of Fear Self Titled 2020 Beach Impediment Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Monuments To Ruins Self Titled 2000 Tribal War Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Moral Crux / Boris The Sprinkler Split 1995 They Still Make Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Morbosidad / Witchrist Split 2011 Hells Headbangers Excellent 0.00 Grey/Black Splatter, Lmt. 111 Send Email 
Mordicus Three-way Dissection 2014 Svart Records Excellent 0.00 Clear Grey Send Email 
Morne Self Titled 2009 Feral Ward Excellent 0.00 lmt. 500 Send Email 
Morpheme 形態素 2009 Prank Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Morte Paura / Siniterror Close Your Eyes And You Will See 1999 Pas-83 Productions Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Mørkt Kapittel Mørkt Kapittel 2010 Radio Schizo Records, Nakkeskudd Excellent 0.00 Grey Cover. Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Muddy Waters She's Nineteen Years Old / Close To You 1958 Chess Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Muddy Waters She's All Right / Sad, Sad Day 2017 Third Man Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Muddy Waters Rollin' Stone / Walking Blues 2017 Third Man Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Muddy Waters Manish Boy B/w Young Fashioned Way 2017 Third Man Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Muerte Cotidiana / Sinnaciön Split 2015 Too Many!!! Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Mumia Abu Jamal War On The Poor 1992 Not On Label Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Murderers, The Self Titled 1996 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, White 2500 Send Email 
Musta Käsi Vanhojen Sanomalehtien Katsaus 2000 Auvo & Kultsi Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Mustang Poison / Blood Rain 2015 Tampere Hardcore Coalition, Kämä Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Mutilation Rites Suffer The Children 2014 Prosthetic Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
N.p.g Devastation Of The Future Ep 2019 D-takt & Råpunk Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Naked Aggression Plastic World 1995 Mighty Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Naked Aggression Right Now 1993 Campary Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Naked Aggression Plastic World 1994 Mighty Records Very Good 0.00 Cover Variation [B+W Diff Font] Send Email 
Nandas Self Titled 2018 Toxic State Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Nandas Self Titled 2016 Toxic State Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Napalm Death Nazi Punks Fuck Off 1993 Earache Very Good 0.00 Red Cover Send Email 
Napalm Death Nurse The Hunger 2017 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided Send Email 
Napalm Death Suffer The Children 1990 Earache Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Napalm Death / Coalesce In Tongues We Speak. 1996 Earache Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Napalm Death / Insect Warfare Split 2013 Earache Excellent 0.00 Picture Disc Send Email 
Napalm Death / Melt-banana Split 2016 Ipecac Recordings Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Napalm Death / S.o.b. Split  Fanclub Release Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Napalm Raid Corruption Of Their Little Minds 2011 Rust And Machine Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 350 Send Email 
Napalm Raid Trial Of The World 2011 Rust And Machine Mint 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Napalm Raid Storm 2014 Rust And Machine, Imminent Destr Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Nasum World In Turmoil 1996 Blurred Records Excellent 0.00 Green Send Email 
Nasum / *asterisk Split 2001 Busted Heads Mint 0.00 Black Mask Collective / Putrid Conspiracy Send Email 
Nasum / Abstain The Black Illusions / Religion Is War 1997 Yellow Dog Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Nasum / Warhate The Nasum / Warhate Campaign 1999 Relapse Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Natural Cause Mess 1992 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Black 2000 Send Email 
Nausea Cyber God 1991 Allied Recordings Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Nausea Live In Norwalk Ct "live, 5/10/88" 2001 Fight For Life Excellent 0.00 Red #272/350 Send Email 
Nausea Lie Cycle 1992 Graven Image Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Necromongo Grabaciones Desde La Ultratumba 2011 Lengua Armada Discos Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Negative Side / Katastrofe Social Split 2017 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Negative Stance Spectators Of Decadence 1993 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Black 2000 Send Email 
Neon Hole / Diseksa Deeper Sinking Blade 2013 Rad Girlfriend, Give Praise, Bee Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Neon Maniacs Self Titled 2003 Puke N Vomit Very Good 0.00 Orange, #6/300 Send Email 
Neon Maniacs Rip Em Up E.p. 2000 Puke N Vomit Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Nerveskade Acid Attack 2009 Whisper In Darkness Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Nerveskade Insanity / Forced To Live 2010 Iron Lung Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Second Press, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Neuroottiset Pelimannit Sitä Saa Mitä Tilaa 2001 Self Released Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Neurosis Aberration Ep 1989 Lookout! Records Very Good 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Neurosis Locust Star (1995 Demo) 2016 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided Send Email 
Neurosis Empty 1990 Your Choice Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Neurosis Empty 1990 Allied Recordings Excellent 0.00 Black 1000 Send Email 
Neurosis Aberration Ep 1989 Lookout Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Neurosis Black  Fan Release Excellent 0.00 Black, #658/666 Send Email 
Neurosis / Soilent Green In These Black Days: A Tribute To Black Sabbath  1999 Hydra Head Excellent 0.00 Black, First Press, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Nightfall Reality Is Pain, Life Is Suffering 2006 Final Attempt Records Excellent 0.00 Blue Marble, Lmt. 150 Send Email 
Nightfall / Dronez Philly KÄng Bang 2016 Ryvvolte Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Nightfeeder Self Titled 2021 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Nightmare 足跡 Footprints Of The Wind 1999 Blood Sucker Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Nihilist Crown Of Horns 1999 Chaotic Thoughts Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Nine Shock Terror Self Titled 1999 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Gold, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Nine Shock Terror Earth, Wind & The Sheik Throwing Fire 1997 River On Fire Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Nine Shocks Terror / Devoid Of Faith Fight On The Street / Devoid Of Faith 1998 Gloom Records Excellent 0.00 Mystery Meat Send Email 
Nine Shocks Terror / Killers Split 2000 Gloom Records Very Good 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
No Fucker Conquer The Innocent 2008 No Real Music Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
No Funeral Mankind Is Carrion, Fit For Nothing 2018 Live Fast Die Recordings, Fuckin Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
No Future Use Abuse Destroy 2018 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
No Power Distort 2012 Nö Pöwer Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
No Statik Never Be A Martyr 2012 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Purple Marbled, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
No Statik No Hospice 2012 Prank Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Noise / Industrial Holocaust Split 1993 Primatus Musicland Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Nordic Waste / Bored Straight / Holy Shit! Three Way Split 2009 Self Released Excellent 0.00 #216/666 and #11/50 NW Version Send Email 
Nü-klē-ər Blast Suntan The Wheel Of Fate Is Turning 2012 Sphc Very Good 0.00 Blue Send Email 
Nuclear Cult Better Nightmares 2011 Warm Bath Label Very Good 0.00 Red translucent, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Nuclear Death Terror Ceaseless Desolation 2008 Plague Bearer Records Excellent 0.00 Whire, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Nuclear Death Terror As We Consume Shall We Be Consumed, As We Destro 2007 D-takt & RÅpunk Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Nux Vomica The Uninspired 2005 Torture Garden / Firestarter Mint 0.00 Grey Splatter Send Email 
Oaf Consume 2016 Deranged Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Odio Un Mondo Libero Dall'uomo 2016 Nightrider Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Odio Solidão E Conflito 2002 Absurd Records, Esperanza Gravac Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Oheisvasara Vasaranmerkki 1998 Prejudice Production Very Good 0.00 Red And Black Marbled Translucent Send Email 
Oi Polloi Guilty 1994 Ruptured Ambitions Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Oi Polloi Let The Boots Do The Talking! 1999 Ruptured Ambitions Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Oi Polloi Self Titled 1994 Nikt Nic Nie Wie Very Good 0.00 First Press Send Email 
Oi Polloi Omnicide.... 1991 Words Of Warning Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Oi Polloi Resist The Atomic Menace 1994 Campary Records Excellent 0.00 Yellow Cover Send Email 
Oi Polloi Carson? 2003 Nikt Nic Nie Wie Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Oi Polloi / Appalachian Terror Unit Split 2011 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Oi Polloi / Blownapart Bastards Split 1994 Unite And Fight Excellent 0.00 Blue Cover Send Email 
Oi Polloi / Common Enemy Split 2015 Urinal Vinyl Records, Crust Almi Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Oi Polloi / Sekasorto Blame It On The System / Fight Against Repression 2019 Kämäset Levyt Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Oiltanker Self Titled 2008 Bullshit Propaganda, Ssp Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Ojorojo / Inflicted Split 1998 Power Ground Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Oktobr Self Titled 2003 Yellow Dog Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Olho Seco Os Primeiros Dias 2014 Your Poison Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Olho Seco Botas Fuzis Capacetes 2017 Nada Nada Discos Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Yellow Send Email 
Onward To Mayhem Six Acts In The Arts Of Social Defiance 1999 Insubordination Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Öpstand No More Police Brutality 1997 Praxis, Murder Records Good 0.00 Second Press` Send Email 
Öpstand / Seein' Red Noise Grinding Violence / Untitled 1997 Stonehenge Records, Praxis Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Os Mocos Self Titled 1998 Sin Fronteras Records Very Good 0.00 Lavender Marble Send Email 
Oscuro Lugar Alerta Subterránea 2020 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Óxido / Don Juan Matus Split 2012 Wardance Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Ozzy Osborne No More Tears B/w Changes 1993 Epic Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Pahaa Verta Self Titled 2009 Roku, Several Casualties Product Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Paintbox ゲンセキ 2009 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Paintbox The Door / Provided Railroad 1999 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Paintbox Cry Of The Sheeps 2003 Prank Records / Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Pandamonium Bring That Shit 2007 One Percent Records Very Good 0.00 2007 Tour Edition, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Pansy Division W/ Calvin Jackson Jackson 1994 International Pop Underground Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Paragraf 119 Musik Til Ulempe 2001 Kick N' Punch Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1358 Send Email 
Paranoid (偏執症者) Hardcore Addict 2019 D-takt & Råpunk, Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Paranoid (偏執症者) Praise No Deity 2017 Konton Crasher, The Sign Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Paranoid Visions Rock & Roll & Revolution 2012 Louder Than War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Parasit Bag Of Enemies 2014 Nuclear Fear Records Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Parasite Proof Of The Existence 2014 Holy Terror Very Good 0.00 Purple Vinyl In Red Sleeve, Lmt. 180 Send Email 
Parasytes Straight Jacket 2015 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Path Of Destruction 1:00 Am 2003 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 2400 Send Email 
Path Of Destruction Self Titled 2003 Sin Fronteras Records Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Path Of Destruction 1:00 Am 2003 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Path Of Destruction / Provoked Split  Self Released Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Pause Lovenom 2003 Fight Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
People Again Self Titled 2005 Mutant Soldier/dead Men On Holid Excellent 0.00 Original Press, Black 300 Send Email 
People Again / Sarjan Hassan Midwest Southeast Trans Pacific Thrash 2008 Halo Of Flies/dead Men On Holida Excellent 0.00 lmt. 500 Send Email 
Perdition Self Titled 2014 Toxic State Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Perdition Self Titled 2010 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Perdition / Nerveskade Fuckin' Chaos Huffers & Cider Buzzards / Nervesk 2011 Distort Reality Records Excellent 0.00 First Press Send Email 
Peroxide Can You Hear The Sound Of Peace? 2012 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 lmt. 500 Send Email 
Phobia Enslaved 1996 Slap A Ham Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Phobia / Corrupted Split 1999 Rhetoric, Deaf American Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Pick Your Side Survival Prayer 2011 Regurgitated Semen Records, Demonomania Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Pig//control Schweine Kontrollieren 2013 Heartfirst Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Pisschrïst Self Titled 2005 Putrid Filth Conspiracy Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Pisschrïst Total Fucking Pisslickers 2006 Endless Blockades Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Pisschrist / Appäratus Australian // Malaysian Raw Punk Split Ep 2007 Yellow Dog Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Pisschrist / Framtid Hardcore Detonation Attack 2009 Hg Fact Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Pisschrist / Kvoteringen Split 2007 Endless Blockades Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Pissed Self Titled 1992 Profane Existance Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Pissheads Kill Hippie System 2013 Rust And Machine Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Pist, The / Brutally Familiar Small Town Justice 1995 Six Weeks Very Good 0.00 Second Press, Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Plague Rages / Ld50 Polticios Parasitas / "observed ..." 2001 Absurd Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Plague Rages / Syndrome Of Terror Hunger, Sign Of Death 2000 Too Many!!! Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Poikkeus Katsmesser You Can't Escape... 2013 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Poison Girls Are You Happy Now ... 1983 Illuminated Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Policebastard / Unkind Split 1999 Fight Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Polis-Äckel Security Shutdown 2016 Imminent Destruction Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Pontius Pilate Witness The Crucifixion... 1998 Pagan Punk Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Pontius Pilate Baptize This 1999 Pagan Punk Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Pontius Pilate Thy 2004 New Audio Terror Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Pontius Pilate / Fallen Graces Split 1999 Pagan Punk Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Pontius Pilate / Fallen Graces Split 1999 Pagan Punk Records Excellent 0.00 Transparent Red Vinyl Send Email 
Population Reduction At The Throats Of Man Forever 2006 Tank Crimes Excellent 0.00 Green / Black, Second Press, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Porcodio Nessun Posto Per Me 2011 Lengua Armada Discos Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
Porkeria Self Titled 2012 Adelante Discos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Portal / Blood Of Kingu Split 2014 Hells Headbangers Excellent 0.00 Gold Send Email 
Pretty Little Flower / Mass Grave Split 2006 Endless Sprawl Records Excellent 0.00 Yellow / Brown Swirl Send Email 
Process Is Dead / A Death Between Seasons Split 1999 Hide The Bodies Excellent 0.00 Marble #184/1000 Send Email 
Profit$, The Propaganda Machine 2002 Propaganda Machine Records Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Profit$, The U.s. Atrocity 2004 Propaganda Machine Records Very Good 0.00 Green Transparent, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Progeria / Id. ‎– Rotund Rotund 1998 Agitate 96 Excellent 0.00 2nd Press, Blue Transparent, #159/200 Send Email 
Propaganda Žízeň Po Životě 2002 Phobia Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 208 Send Email 
Protess / Noise Pollution Disarm / The End Of The Day 1999 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Protest Stagnation Self Titled 2003 Dissonant Sound Industries Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Protestant Self Titled 2007 Halo Of Flies Excellent 0.00 Screen Printed Cover. Black 437 Send Email 
Protestant Antagonist 2009 Halo Of Flies Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Protestant / Get Rad Split 2008 Barbarian Records Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Protestant / Rhino Charge Split 2006 Go! Records Excellent 0.00 Black 500 Send Email 
Protestera Gränslösa Land 2006 Halvfabrikat Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Protesti 8 Track Ep 1996 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black Send Email 
Protesti 8 Track Ep 1997 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 First Press, Clear, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Psycho / Nasum Fuego Y Azufre! / Smile When You're Dead 1996 Ax/ction Records Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Public, The / See You In Hell Split 2003 Too Many To List! Good 0.00 White/Clear, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Punkture Self Titled 1995 Eugene Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Purgative Klyster / Vol. 4 Guardian Of Grind / Settlers 2005 Agromosh Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Que Ardan Self Titled 2017 Ruido Total, Sin Temores, Mierda Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Question Insantiy 2008 Fashonable Idiots Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Question Self Titled 2007 Fast Punk Mint 0.00  Send Email 
R.a.m.b.o. / Crucial Unit Split 2002 Ed Walters Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Rabid Rabbit / Griswald Split 2011 Give Praise Records Excellent 0.00 Marbled Puce, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Radical Fun Time "there Is Only One Race The Human Race" 2018 Dilapidated Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Rajoitus Historia Kusessa 1996 Sludge Recordds Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Rajoitus Systeemiin Naulittu 1999 Ugly Pop Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Rajoitus / Ratstab Split 2014 Patac, Reality Is A Cult, Riotou Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Rakkaus Työ Vapauttaa 2005 Barrage Of Salt, Assaulting Murd Very Good 0.00 Second Press, Clear Send Email 
Rakkus Kuolevan Maailman Hiljainen Kirous 2007 Barrage Of Salt Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Rákosi Self Titled 2010 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Rákosi Self Titled 2012 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Rakta Falha Comum 2019 Iron Lung Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300, 150gm Send Email 
Rakta Oculto Pelos Seres 2017 Iron Lungs Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
Rakta Em Transe Self Titled 2015 Nada Nada Discos, Dama Da Noite Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ramlord / Welkin Dusk Split 2013 Stimulation Addict Excellent 0.00 Blue Send Email 
Rat Cage Blood On Your Boots 2018 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Rat Cage Caged Like Rats 2017 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ratface Dead Rats Blood E.p. 2012 Sit And Spin Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Rations How Much Land Does A Man Need? 2011 Too Many!!!  0.00  Send Email 
Rations Martyrs And Prisoners 2013 Difuckingy Excellent 0.00 #818/1000 Send Email 
Rattus Rajoitettu Ydinsota -ep 1985 Höhnie Records Excellent 0.00 Amber Marble, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Rattus Ihmiset On Sairaita 1985 Ann & Archie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Raw Hate Drunk As Fuck Existence 2008 D-takt & Råpunk Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Raw Noise Scum Will Rise To The Top 2009 Mcr Company, Low Life Recs Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Re/volt This Is Our War 2013 Farewell Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Reactor Deadly Visions 2014 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Reaksi Esok Hari Kepunyaan Kita 2021 La Vida Es Un Mus, Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Real Enemy, The Attack! 1998 Underestimated Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Real Enemy, The Too Little... ...too Late 2001 625 Records / Underestimated Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1200 Send Email 
Reality Crisis Who Is Your Messiah? 2004 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Reality Crisis Deformed Society 1999 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Reality Crisis The World Still Keeps Confusing 2021 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Reality Crisis Sound Of Destruction 2010 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Recharge / External Menace Wasserwerferfahrer / I'd Rather Be Dead 1998 Epistrophy Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Recharge / Extinct Government Vaterland, Heimatland, Feindesland / Extinct Gov 1997 Epistrophy Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Redflesh Raw War 2012 Video Disease Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Reform Control / Dratsab Split 1996 Reform Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Regulations Different Needs E.p. 2007 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Yellow Center Label, Black, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Reign Of Bombs / Eds Split 2004 Wasted Sounds Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Remains Of The Day Self Titled 2000 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Remains Of The Day Self Titled 2000 Self Released Excellent 0.00 EU Tour Press, Yellow, #241/200 Send Email 
Remains Of The Day / Keitzer Dead Cells / System Over Load 2003 Yellow Dog Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Remission Fetus The Code 1995 Power Ground Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1200 Send Email 
Remission A Few Faces Of Protest 1997 Spiral Objective Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Remission Temporary Service = Temporary Slavery 1997 Denied A Custom Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Remission Absolute Power 2009 Profane Existence/cah/bacon Town Excellent 0.00 First Pressing. White, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Repercussions No Peace E.p. 2007 Feral Ward  0.00 Lmt. 1300 Send Email 
Reptoides E.p. 2016 World Gone Mad, Grabaciones Puro Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Resist Self Titled 1990 Media Blitz Productions Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Resist Burial Ground 2011 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 First Press, Black 2000 Send Email 
Resist / Cluster Bomb Unit Split 1993 Consensus Reality Excellent 0.00 Flexi, #433/1000 Send Email 
Resist And Exist Dare To Struggle – Dare To Win 1998 Spiral Excellent 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
Resist And Exist Korean Protest 1997 Spiral Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Restarts, The ...just Gets Worse 1997 Blind Destruction Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Restos De Tragedia Criminales Multinacionales 2019 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Restricted Rights / Skunk Split 2016 Outrageous Defecation, Grind You Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Rev. Norb & The Onions E.p. 707077 2014 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Gray Marbled, No Cover Send Email 
Rev. Norb & The Onions E.p. 707077 2018 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Gray Marble Send Email 
Rev. Norb & The Onions / Porch Honkees ‎ The Shit Split 2013 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Rifle Diet / Thrash Compactor Split  Diy Records Excellent 0.00 #167/300 Send Email 
Rigorous Institution The Coming Of The Terror 2019 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Rigorous Institution Penitent 2019 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Riisteterror Tääbajärä Härdcöre 2002 Fight Records / Usinade Sangue Mint 0.00 Grey Cover Send Email 
Riisteterror Tääbajärä Härdcöre 2002 Hardcore Holocaust Records Very Good 0.00 Yellow Cover Send Email 
Riisteterror Tääbajärä Härdcöre 2002 Terrötten / Usinade Sangue Excellent 0.00 Red, Red Cover Send Email 
Riisteterror Asema Z 2004 Fight Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Riistetyt Kahleet 2005 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 White 500 Send Email 
Riistetyt Kahleet 2005 Havoc Records Mint 0.00 First Pressing Black 2400 Send Email 
Riistetyt Tervetuloa Kuolema 2002 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing Black 2500 Send Email 
Riistetyt Tuomiopäivä 2005 Havoc Records Mint 0.00 First Pressing, Marble 500 Send Email 
Riistetyt Kahleet 2005 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 U.S. Tour Edt., Clear Gold, #5/100 Send Email 
Riistetyt Tervetuloa Kuolema 2000 Fight Records Excellent 0.00 White/Red splatter Send Email 
Ripper Self Titd 2012 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Translucent Blue, NO NUMBER Send Email 
Ristisaatto ½ E.p. 2005 Self Released Very Good 0.00 Single Sided Send Email 
Röntgen Inhale Death 2019 Make Em Sweat, Blown Out Media, Morbid Reality Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Rot Fatality? 1996 Rødel Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Rot / Agathocles Our Freedom - A Lie / Wiped From The Surface 1996 Elephant Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Rot / No Prejudice Split 1999 Absurd Records Excellent 2.00 Second Press, Lmt. 500, Blue Label Send Email 
Rotozaza They Live / We Sleep 2011 Self Released Very Good 0.00 Green, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
Rotten Sound Sick Bastard 1995 Genet Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Rotten Uk Waiting For The Bomb 2017 Loud Punk Records Excellent 0.00 Limited Edition, Glow In The Dark Send Email 
Rotten Uk Bloody Hell!! 2013 Black Rebel Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Rottenfux Self Titled 2006 Six Weeks Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Rövsvett Rövsvett I Nacken 2000 Pas-83 Productions Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Rövsvett Jesus Var En Tomte 2016 Extreme Noise Discos Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Rövsvett Ryssen Kommer 2015 Just 4 Fun Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Roxor Požierač Duší 2011 Abc Distro, Miruus Levyt, Hlubok Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Rudimentary Peni The Chances 2020 Sealed Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Rudimentary Peni Self Titled 2022 Seal Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black Send Email 
Ruido De Aqui En Adelante 1999 Six Weeks Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ruido Vete A La Chingada 1997 Deep Six Records Very Good 0.00 Large Red Sleeve Send Email 
Ruido Vete A La Chingada 1997 Deep Six Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ruido / Fuck On The Beach Split 2000 Know Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Ruido / Sick Terror Ruido / Caido Ate O Osso 2002 Sin Fronteras Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ruido De Odio / Dxixe Asesinos Por Naturaleza / Go To The Earth 1997 Keloid Records Excellent 0.00 Transparent Green, #0868/1000 Send Email 
Ruin / Pause Split 2005 Fight Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Rukkus Raw Shock Terror Ep 2015 Aseptic Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
S.a.g.a.l Suckup Aholics Gain Acrobatic Licks 2019 Hardcore Hard Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
S.d.s Scum System Kill 1996 Mangrove Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
S.d.s / Hong Kong Knife Split 1999 Tiger Hole, Loft Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
S.h.i.t. Feeding Time 2014 Static Shock Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
S.h.i.t. Generation Shit 2014 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
S.l.i.p. Mental Abuse / Stick It 2016 Bhf Records, Mind Cure Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
S.o.d Stabilitet ? 1997 Hepatit D Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
S.s.r. Orwellian Future Ep 2009 Desolate Legacy Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Sacred Shock Self Titled 2007 Shogun Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sacred Shock Self Titled 2008 Schizophrenic Records Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Sadist Beauty Fades 2017 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sadist W/ Bombings The Shadow Of The Swastika 2015 Self Released Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Sakatat / Cut Your Throat Sesimizden Başka Kaybedecek Neyimiz Kaldı? / Dis 2010 Jennifer Grind, Trenchcore, Grin Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Sanctum Self Titled 2006 Putrid Filth Conspiracy Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Sanctum Enslaved 2005 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sanctus Iuda / Sarcasm Split 1995 Scream Records Good 0.00  Send Email 
Sangre De Los Puercos They Lie We Die 2002 Cries Of Pain Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Sangre De Los Puercos Self Titled 2003 Hemorrhaging Loudness Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Sanhedrin Answer The Call 1994 Elk Fuck Productions Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Sarcasm The Lowest Form Of Wit 1992 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Särkyneet Self Titled 2010 Combat Rock Industry Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Scab Eater Mind Trench 2016 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Scapegoats ヘッドレス 1997 Peace Punks Records, Old School Records Very Good 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Scatha Fuck The System 1998 Anonymous Records, Enslaved Very Good 0.00 Second Press Send Email 
Schifosi Self Titled 2003 Voice Production, Global Warning Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Schifosi Half Lit World 2004 Aborted Society Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Schwartzeneggar Goodbye To All That / Child Of The Times 1992 Rugger Bugger Discs, Allied Recordings, Gap Recordings Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Scooby Don't / Boris The Sprinkler Split 1995 Just Add Water Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Scorned Consumption You Feed 2011 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Scorned Self Titled 1999 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Scorned / Hellbound Split 2000 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Scorned / Hellbound Split 2000 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Scum / Final Assault Raw Punk D-beat 2016 Outcast Records Excellent 0.00 Red, #150/660 Send Email 
Scum / Final Assault Raw, Punk, D-beat 2016 Outcast Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Scum Human Self Titled 2016 Regurgitated Semen Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Scum Noise Live 1994 No Fashion Hc Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Scum Noise Self Titled 2001 Crust Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Scumbrigade / Ens Split 1998 Död & Uppsvälld Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Scumraid Rip Up 2015 Iron Lung Records Excellent 0.00 Single Sided, Etched, Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Scuzz, The Self Tited Teset Pressing 1998 Asinine Records Excellent 0.00 Test Pressing Send Email 
Scuzz, The Liability 1998 Asinine Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Securicor Only In Death 2009 Self Released Excellent 0.00 #449/500 Send Email 
Security Threat / Skrack Split 2005 Bad People Records Excellent 0.00 lmt. 500 Send Email 
See You In Hell Self Titled 2002 Ultima Ratio, Hluboká Orba Recor Excellent 0.00 Third Press, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
See You In Hell / Church Of Skaten Split 2001 Too Many To List!!! Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1400 Send Email 
Seized / Inertiakills Split 1997 Doomsday Machine Records Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Self Abuse (i Didn't Wanna Be A) Soldier Ep 2017 Antitodo Excellent 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Selfish Re-enter The Realms Of Revolt 1998 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Selfish The Joy Of The Industrial Society 1998 Genet Records Very Good 0.00 White Send Email 
Selfish / Disclose Selfish / No More Pain! 1994 D.i.y. Records Excellent 0.00 First Press Send Email 
Servitude Apparatus 1997 Profane Existence / Skuld Releas Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Servitude Apparatus 1997 Profane Existence / Skuld Releas Excellent 0.00 Temporary Cover, Marble 2700 Send Email 
Servitude / Ebola Split 1998 Clean Plate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Severed Head Of State Fucking Butchery 2005 Hardcore Holocaust Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Severed Head Of State Self Titled 2001 Communichaos Media Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Severed Head Of State Black Blood World 2000 Malarie Records Excellent 0.00 Split Red / Black Vinyl Send Email 
Severed Head Of State Jedem Das Seine 2000 Ebullition Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Severed Head Of State No Love Lost 2001 Ebullition Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Severed Head Of State Charge Ahead 2004 La Vida Esunmus Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1900 Send Email 
Sex Dwarf / Paranoid (偏執症者) Split 2019 D-takt & Råpunk, Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Sharpeville / Kirous Split 1998 Merwi Records, Halla Julkaisut Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Shitstorm / Radiation Split 2016 R.s.r Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Short Hate Temper / Amen Split 1996 Sound Pollution Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Siberia Self Titled 2005 Trash-punk Guerrilla Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 525 Send Email 
Sick Terror Vida Mediocre 2004 Undislessed Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sickness Just Shit 2004 Chaotic Noise Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Signal Lost You'll Never Get Us Down Again 2005 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Light Blue, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Silent Order Distraction 2015 Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Silent Order Survive The Darkness 2012 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Silna Wola Zero Akceptacji ... 1997 Insane Society Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Silna Wola Self Titled 1995 Malarie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Silna Wola / Kirous End In Sight For Global Tragedy Hours... 2002 Retard Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Sin Dios / Cementerio Shöw El Hombre Contra Sí Mismo 2001 Difusión Libertaria La Idea Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Sin Dios / Inner Conflict El Poder Mundial / Play Thier Smash-hits Down An 2002 Twisted Chords Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sin Dios / Intolerance Di No Al Speed / Requiem 2001 Don't Belong, Difusión Libertari Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sin Motivo Laberintos B/w Tierra Del Deseo 2015 Not Normal Tapes Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sin Orden Hay Llegado El Momento 2015 Not Normal Tapes Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sin Orden / Condenada Amor Sin Fronteras 2007 Amor Sin Fronteras Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Sink / Hellnation Split 1997 Sound Pollution Records Very Good 0.00 Pink Marble Send Email 
Sista Kriget 8 Track Horror 2010 Black Water, D-takt & Råpunk Rec Excellent 0.00 Green Marble Send Email 
Sistema En Decadencia Ganancias De La Guerra 2017 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Siviilimurha Tolkuton Tuho 2001 Hostile Regression Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Skanka Demo 2013 Rawmantic Disasters, Aktiver Aus Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Skarp Self Titled 2003 Pull The Trigger, Un-yelliman Very Good 0.00 Green Send Email 
Skarp / ¡¿human Error?! Eat Shit / Sickened Chain 2001 Pull The Trigger, Aborted Societ Very Good 0.00 Red, #172/200 Send Email 
Skaven Self Titled 1996 Misanthropic Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Skaven / Stormcrow Split 2008 Pellicle Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Skeleton What Will You Do? 2005 Cries Of Pain Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Skitkids Välkomna Till Paradiset... 2005 540 Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Skitkids / Exhale Split 2004 Putrid Filth Conspiracy Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Skitkids / Nightmare Split 2008 Hate Recorda Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Skitsystem Profithysteri 1995 Distortion Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Black 990 Send Email 
Skitsystem / Cyness Split 2006 Unsociable Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Skitsystem / Nasum Split 2002 No Tolerance Excellent 0.00 #303/1100 Send Email 
Skitsystem / Wolfpack Levande Lik / Untitled 1998 Distortion Records Excellent 0.00 Fourth Pressing, Black 300 Send Email 
Skuds, The Millions Of Dead 2006 Self Released Very Good 0.00 Black, #488/666 Send Email 
Skuds, The / Revolutionary Youth Hellbound / Locked Inside 2007 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Red Transitional Haze 940 Send Email 
Skuds. The History 2008 Bacon Towne, Midnight Sea, Vex Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Skunk Failed World 2016 Bloody Scythe Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Skvlt 4 Songs Ep 2012 Prgnt Records, Hesitation Wound Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Slag Self Titled 2014 Regurgitated Semen Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Slain / State Of Filth Split 1998 Enslaved / Smacked In The Mouth Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Slaktmask On The Desperate Edge Of Now 1995 Distortion Records Very Good 0.00 Blak Send Email 
Slaktrens Västerås-mangel 2013 Rawby Records Excellent 0.00 #047/250 Send Email 
Slang Hard Core Lives 1997 Mad Preacher / Mad Beat Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Slang / Mind Eraser Split 2010 540 Records ‎ Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Slight Slappers Change 1997 Mcr Company Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1800 Send Email 
Slight Slappers Over Come Pain 1994 Crust Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Sludge / Thisclose Pollution Not To Stop / Another Piece Of Meat 2017 Sphc Excellent 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Smash Detox Self Titled 2011 Prank / Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Repress, White Send Email 
Snifter / Yuppiecrusher Split 1998 Insect Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Social Genocide On The Brink Of Destruction 1995 Peace Punk Records Very Good 0.00 Red Send Email 
Social Outcast / Jesus Chrust Split 1993 Squat Or Rot, Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Solpäätos Robotti E.p 2014 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sotatila Eepee 2008 Kämäset Levyt, Plague Bearer Rec Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Sotatila Vituiks Meni 2010 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Sotatila / Think Again Black Rainbow 2012 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1200 Send Email 
Soundtrack Star Wars - Cantina Band - Theme Song 1977 20th Century Fox Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Sp Caos Demo 1984 2016 Nada Nada Discos, Spicoli Disco Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Spank Self Titled 1993 Hardspun Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Spazm 151 Sworn To Fun Loyal To None 1997 Uncontrolled, Center Of The Worl Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Spazm 151 Power Songs For The Kidz 1999 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Marble, Lmt. 2500 Send Email 
Spazz / Brutal Truth Split 1996 Bovine Records, Rhetoric Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Spazz / Lack Of Interest Double Whammy 1997 Deep Six Very Good 0.00 White Send Email 
Spectres Cold War 2007 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Spectres Visions Of A New World 2008 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Spectres / Arctic Flowers Split 2010 Charged//distorted Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 450 Send Email 
Speculum / Gorgonized Dorks Split 2005 Apocalyptic Visions Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Spine Wrench Self Titled 1994 Desperate Attempt Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Spine Wrench Spite Junkie / Smokescreen 1993 Pulp Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Spine Wrench Heeldrag / Green As A Dying Whore 1994 After The Bomb Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Spitboy Self Titled 1992 Lookout! Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Spitboy Mi Cuerpo Es Mio 1994 Allied Recordings Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Spitboy Rasana 2016 Ebullition Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, #36/150 Send Email 
Spitting Teeth Don't Believe The Hype 2002 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Spitting Teeth / 1-2-go! Crew Split Ep 2004 1-2-3-4 Go! Records Excellent 0.00 #122/150 Send Email 
Spontaneous Noise Combustion Kill Fascist System 2021 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Multicolor, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Spritvev Pommacs Larm 2008 D-takt & Råpunk Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Ss/block Mob Violence 2020 Mental Crash Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 250 Send Email 
Stack Mondonervaktion 1996 Crust Records / Equality Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Stagnation Self Titled 2016 Positive Future, Make Em Sweat Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Stagnation Destruction Ep 2008 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
State No Illusions 2001 Reagan Era Hc Excellent 0.00 Unofficial Release Send Email 
State Of Fear Self Titled 1995 Aftermath Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
State Of Fear Wallow In Squalor Ep 1995 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Marble, Lmt. 6300 Send Email 
State Of The Union God Of Another Flesh 1994 Killed By Death Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
State Of The Union Rez-erection 1995 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Sterilized Chemical Dust 2014 Video Disease Records Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Stfu Miserable Existence 2005 Controlled By Plague Records / T Very Good 0.00 Repress. Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Stillborn Complete Waste 2002 New Autio Terror Excellent 0.00 Green Send Email 
Stratford Mercenaries Live In The U.s.a. 1997 1998 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Stray Bullets Self Titled 1996 Doing It For The Kids! Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Streetwalker / Catheter Dissecting The Suffering Quota 2011 Bad People, Haunted Hotel, 303,  Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Stress Ss Fest 2015 Adult Crash Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Struggling Harsh Immortals Lucifer Rising 2014 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Strychnine Fucked Up Inside 1996 Reform Records Good 0.00  Send Email 
Subhumans Unfinished Buisness 2000 Rugger Bugger Discs, Bluurg Reco Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Subhumans Thought Is Free 2019 Pirates Press Records Excellent 0.00 Flei, S/Sided, Picture Disc Send Email 
Subhumans Demolition War E.p. 1981 Spiderleg Records Very Good 0.00 Gatefold Cover Send Email 
Subhumans Reason For Existence 1983 Bluurg Records Very Good 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Subhumans Religious Wars 1983 Bluurg Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Subhumans / Restarts 99% / 1% 2019 Pirates Press Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Submachine 7/7/94 (the Riviera - Chicago, Il) 1995 V. M. L. Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Submachine Mindless Device 1991 Ci Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue, Blue Cover Send Email 
Subsanity Logic Plague 2002 Game Two Records, Selfish Fucker Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 666 Send Email 
Subsanity Human Is Shit 1997 Sensual Underground Ministries,  Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Subsanity / Rat Piss Split 1996 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Substandard Consuming Need...consuming Greed 1999 Inflammable Material Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Substandard / Detestation Usa Meets Uk 1997 Wicked Witch Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Substandard / Nerves Split 1995 Inflammable Material Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Substandard / Pink Flamingos Germania Meets Britannica 1997 Wicked Witch Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Suburban Showdown / Warvictims Split 2010 Charred Bones Records / Subterr Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Subvert The Madness Must End 1994 Heartfirst Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Suffer Forest Of Spears 1998 Flat Earth Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Suffer Self Titled 1996 Crust Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Suffer / Urkp Split 1998 Flat Earth Records/enslaved Reco Mint 0.00 lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Suffering Mind / Neon Hole Split 2011 Bovine, Bullshit Propaganda, Cru  0.00 Mixed Blue, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Sugarhill Gang Rapper's Delight  Sugar Hill Records / Alantic Rec Excellent 0.00 RSD, Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Suicidas / Pox Split 2016 All The Madmen Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 250 Send Email 
Suicidas / Trance Split 2015 Metadona Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Summon The Crows Self Titled 2004 Nakkeskudd Plater Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 666 Send Email 
Sunday Morning Einsteins Svensk Mangel Ep 2002 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Sunday Morning Einsteins Kängnäve 2004 Prank Excellent 0.00 Lmt., Red Send Email 
Sunday Morning Einsteins Sunday Morning Tour Ep 2004 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 #127/500 Send Email 
Suns Owl / Unclean Mechanism / We Build For The Future 1997 Mcr Company Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Suppository / Rakitis Untitled / Allah Shnikov Terror 1998 The Noizz, Hepatit D Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Suppression / Dahmer Amerikkka Transmit... The Dis-ease Is Spreading  1997 Yellow Dog Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Suppression / Facialmess Collaboration Ep 1999 Clean Plate Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Supremes, The Stop! In The Name Of Love B/w I'm In Love Again 1965 Motown Very Good 0.00 No Cover Send Email 
Surrender There Is No War 2009 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Surrender Self Titled Ep 2007 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Suss Law Self Titled 2016 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Svart SnÖ Self Titled 1992 Baraf Skivor Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Svart SnÖ Den Civiliserade Apan 1990 Really Fast Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Svart SnÖ Ren, Säker Och Billig! 1993 Finn Records Excellent 0.00 Second Press Send Email 
Svart SnÖ Ren, Säker Och Billig 1989 Finn Records Very Good 0.00 Second Press, Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Svart Sno / Starved And Delirious Split 1997 Consensus Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Svart Städhjälp Lägenhetsbråk 2012 Halvfigur Records Excellent 0.00 #185/200 Send Email 
Svartenbrandt Sista Dan' I Rampljuset 2005 Arschkarte Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Svaveldioxid Krigets Brutalitet E.p. 2017 Phobia Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Svaveldioxid / Skeleton Split 2019 Phobia Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Swamp Mongrel Self Titled 2001 Mongrel Music Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Syringe The Leash Ep 2018 Dark Raids Label & Distribution Excellent 0.00 Yellow, Flexi Send Email 
Syringe Rotten Cycle 2018 Ryvvolte Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
System Shit Kill That Fucker 1998 Tobacco Shit Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
System Shit / Rising Nation Split 1994 Gm Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Talc Self Titled 2017 No Patience Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Tampere Ss Kuollut & Kuopattu 1998 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Tampere Ss Sotaa E.p. 1998 Havoc Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Tarantula Self Titled 2017 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Tdf Place Tokyo Under Martial Law 1992 Tribal War Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Tear It Up Self Titled 2000 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Orange, Lmt. 500* Send Email 
Teargas Self Titled 2010 Hardcore Victim Very Good 0.00 Red Send Email 
Terokal Life After War 2013 Distort Reality Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Terokal / Armagedom Split 2012 Odio Los Discos Very Good 0.00 Red, #085/300 Send Email 
Terror Y Miseria Self Titled 2000 Sin Fronteras Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Terrorain 1988 Demo 2000 Burrito Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Terrorstat 6-spors Ep 2016 Sjakk Matt Plater Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Terveet KÄdet Pahan Voima-87 1995 Alternative Action Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Terveet KÄdet The Horse 1994 Alternative Action Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Terveet KÄdet Jeesus Perkele 2009 Omak Perkele Record Excellent 0.00 Fanclub Release Send Email 
Terveet KÄdet Piinaavanautinto 2013 Sphc Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Terveyskeskus Pimeys 1991 Alternative Action Records Very Good 0.00 Yellow Sleeve Send Email 
Thatcher On Acid "frank" Jr. 1992 Subcorridor Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Thatcher On Acid Yo-yo Man 1992 International Pop Underground Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Tierra De Nadie Sordos A La Tierra 2007 Mundo En Kaos Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Today's Overdose Self Titled 2006 Wasted Sounds / Profane Existenc Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Tortür Death Looms Graves Fill 2019 Phobia Records, Rawmantic Disast Excellent 0.00 Green, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Total Fury Committed To The Core E.p. 2002 Busted Heads Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Total Fury / Grissle Split 1999 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Total Fury / Pandamonium Tour 2007 2007 1% Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Total Fury / The Jury Split 2007 Gloom Records Excellent 0.00 #41/500, Green Marble Send Email 
Total Noise Accord 拒絶 Ep 2007 Crust War Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Totälickers Cemëntiri Ep 2018 Kremón, Nuclear Fear, Grita O Mu Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Totälickers Street D-beat 2016 Too Many!!! Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Totalitar Heydays Revisited 2020 Fight For Your Mind Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Totalitar Vänd Dig Inte Om 1989 Finn Records Very Good 0.00 Orange Send Email 
Totalitar Multinationella Mördare Ep 1996 Crust Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Totalitar Dom Lurar Oss 2000 1000 Db Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Totalitar Vi Är Eliten 2007 Feral Ward Excellent 0.00 Original Press, Black 1900 Send Email 
Totalitär Klass Inte Ras 1997 Prank Excellent 0.00 Original Press, Black, Lmt.1500 Send Email 
Totalitär Vansinnects Historia 1998 Crust Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Totalitär Allting Är På Låtsas 2002 Really Fast Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Totalitär Spela Bort Allt Du Har 2002 Dod&suppsvalld Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Totalitär / Autoritär Split 1999 Yellow Dog Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Toxic Narcotic / Whorehouse Of Representatives Split 1996 Rodent Popsicle Records, Un-yell Good 0.00 Blue Send Email 
Toxic Narcotic / Whorehouse Of Representatives Split 1996 Rodent Popsicle Records, Un-yell Excellent 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
Tragedy Can We Call This Life? 2001 Tragedy Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing Send Email 
Tragedy / Totalitär Split 2003 Armageddon Label Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Black Send Email 
Tropiezo / Vivisick Split 2011 Delusion Of Terror, Insane Socie Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Truncheons Stuck On The Block 2012 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Tuberculosis Disfrasandose Ep 2010 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Tuomiopäivän Lapset Vastusta Tai Pakene 1998 Consensus Reality Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Tuomiopäivän Lapset Ei Koskaan Periksi Ep 1995 Sludge Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Tuomiopäivän Lapset Saatanan Murhaajat Ep 1996 Fallen Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
U.s.v / The Krammies Split 1997 Punkhouse Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
U.s.v. Escapist 1999 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Unarm Hypocrisy 2010 Hardcore Survives Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Unholy Grave Morbid Reality 1996 Consensus Reality Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Unholy Grave Raw Slaughter Ep 2005 Argomosh Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Unholy Grave Aussie Disorder Double E.p. 2006 Argomosh Records Very Good 0.00 2x7", Blue, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Unholy Grave Unholy Warfare 2016 Agromosh Records Excellent 0.00 Second Press, Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Unholy Grave Terror 1997 Blurred Records Very Good 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
Unholy Grave Grindholic 2009 Rescued From Life Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Unholy Grave Against Terrorism 2003 Power It Up Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Unholy Grave Grind Hounds 2013 Core, Twisted Truth Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 187 Send Email 
Unholy Grave Fake World 2014 Haunted Hotel Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Unholy Grave Unholy Bastards Ep 2006 Argomosh Records Excellent 0.00 Black Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Unholy Grave Nein Ep 1998 Farewell / Mac Gyver Excellent 0.00 Pink and Black Splatter, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Aberrant Collapse Ep / Wasted Future 2005 Selfish Fucker Records Excellent 0.00 Gold Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Butcher Abc Nuke 'em All 2015 Haunted Hotel Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Captain 3 Leg Gorilla "adolf" / Modern Day Piracy 1998 Headfucker Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Catheter Split 2003 Rescued From Life Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Deranged Insane Murder / Pequena Farsa 2005 Bucho Discos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Hatred Division Stop The Hate / Unholy World 2012 Riotous Outburst, Grindfather, D Excellent 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Kerum The First Priority / Kerum 2002 Regurgitated Semen Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Matka Teresa Terrifying Nightmare / Repugnant Resemblance 2005 Brigade Of Natural Genocide, Extreme Terror Production Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Mitten Spider Split 2003 Agromosh Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Neon Hole Dawn Of Unholy Insanity / Cement Garden 2010 Bullwhip / Give Praise Excellent 0.00 Purple Marble Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Nunslaughter How Cold The Grave / Anger Explosion 2007 Hells Headbangers Excellent 0.00 Limited Edition, Silver / Black Splatter Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Pretty Little Flower Harmonized Ep / Fist Of Concrete Justice Ep 2005 Rescued From Life Records, Rescu Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Sewn Shut Split 2005 Power It Up Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Unholy Grave / Terrorism Endless Supply Of Pain / Terrorism 2002 Morbid Reality Records, Disembow Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / The Grade Grubbers No More Pain / Untitled 2007 Dsk Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Unholy Grave / The Vanishing Act Requiem / The Vanishing Act 2006 Sir Punkly Excellent 0.00 Black, #46/500 Send Email 
Union Anaesthetized 1992 Tribal War, Really Fast Recordsn Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Unknown To God Unbearable Trauma And Grief 2015 Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Unlearn When The Reaper Comes To You Will You Clap? 2011 Deranged Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Unruled Self Titled 2011 Schizophrenic Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Uprising / Contravene Split 2003 Catchphraze Records, Incendiary  Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Urbanoia Psykisk Terror 2014 D-takt & Råpunk Records, Solar F Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Urbn Dk Self Titled 1982 Self Released Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Urbn Dk Will E. Survive...? Yes E. Will!!! 1997 Will E. Survive Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Urbn Dk Human Indifference 1996 Power Ground Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Urbn Dk Victim Inside 1995 Beer City Records Excellent 0.00 Red Send Email 
Urbn Dk V.m.l. Live Presents... 1996 V.m.l. Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Urbn Dk / Bitchslap Split 1997 Shitpile Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Urbn Dk / Los Subversivos Split 1997 Small Budget Productions Excellent 0.00 #027/400 Send Email 
Urchin How To Make Napalm 2016 Roachleg Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Urchin Peace Sign Ep 20107 Roachleg Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Useless Wooden Toys / Disrobe Split 2003 Discontent Excellent 0.00 Green Send Email 
Uutuus Everything's Shit 1997 Prank Very Good 0.00 Red Transparent Send Email 
V.a International Terrorist Attack Vol. 1 2003 Raw Noise Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
V/a -civilisationens Bakgård- 1991 Elderberry Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
V/a The Vortex File 1993 Into The Vortex Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
V/a Speedpunkmetalcrust 2009 Agipunk, Terror From Hell Records Excellent 0.00 White / Black Splatter, #500/500 Send Email 
V/a Terminal Noize Addicts 2019 Extreme Headache Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a 1997-damn The Contorol E.p. 1997 Vomiting Label Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Uppsala Crust Compilation 1996 Your Own Jailer Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Raw Punkz 20112 Vox Populi Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
V/a Complacency 1995 Tuttle Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a 4 Way To Hell 2001 Terrötten, Filth-ear Distributio Excellent 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
V/a "never Again" An Anti-fascist Record 1996 Chaoticos Discos Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Pdx : A Tribute To The Spermbirds 2012 Black Water Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
V/a Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - A Music War 1998 Slap A Ham Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
V/a The Tribute To Kaaos - The Chaos Continues 1998 The End Very Good 0.00 2x7", First Press Send Email 
V/a Passing Bells 2001 Passing Bells Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Every Twenty Seconds 1997 Voice Production. Human Error Re Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Partnership For Survival 2001 Don't Waste It!!! Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Taking Liberties 1996 Kleines Mädchen Very Good 0.00 First Pressing Send Email 
V/a Pdx 2008 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
V/a No Sun Shines Here 2016 Ryvvolte Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Pigs Suck 1995 Clean Plate Records Very Good 0.00 2x7", Second Press, Lmt. 1500, Blue Cover Send Email 
V/a Ups The Record 1999 Ups Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a 駆逐艦 3 Way Split 2019 Skitnaste, Cancer Island Excellent 0.00 #74/100 Send Email 
V/a Kotaro Mission 2011 No Anarquia Rebelde Musica Discos Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Amargado De La Vida 2006 Discos Amargado De La Vida Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Systeemi Ei Toimi E.p. 2012 Rock 'n' Roll Bullshit, Ratbite Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
V/a Kids Wanna Dance 2003 New Noise Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Homeless Benefit Ep 1999 Bad Card Records, Revolution Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Books To Prisoners 1996 Young Heirs Project Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Complete Aural Turmoil 2012 Hardcore Survives Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
V/a Berlin Tristesse 2014 Heartfirst Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
V/a Warning Vinyl Fanzine 2007 Warning Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
V/a Chards Of Civilisation 1995 Grinding Madness Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Violent Noise Party: International Blast Fighter 2007 Torture Garden Picture Company Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
V/a Mit Mir Ist Nicht Zu Rechnen 1994 Born To Booze Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Reproach (8 Modern Hardcore Bands Cover Negative 1999 Ugly Pop Records Very Good 0.00 Second Pressing, Lmt. 1800 Send Email 
V/a Think Globally, Act Locally. 1993 Profane Existence Very Good 0.00 2x7", Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
V/a 反新安保 1999 F.f.t. Label Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Be Quick Or Be Dead. An Italian / Swedish Fast C 2001 Sly Actions Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Prototype 1996 Clean Plate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Breaking The Cultural Curfew - An Israeli Hardco 1995 Beer City Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Dark Thoughts - A Tribute To C.o.c. 2003 Rabid Dog Records Very Good 0.00 Clear Vinyl, Lmt. Cover, #117/200 Send Email 
V/a This Is Kangaroo Not Berkeley 2000 Kangaroo Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
V/a Bloodless Unreality 1992 Forfiet Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Fukt Az Punx 1994 Devastating Soundworks Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Die Human Race 1997 Profane Existence / Skuld Excellent 0.00 Black 25000 Send Email 
V/a Discharged- From Home Front To War Front 1991 Allied Recordings Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a More Word Less Bank 2003 Halvfabrikat / Blindead Producti Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1030 Send Email 
V/a Why Must We Die For Your Science? Vivisection Pt 1999 Spiral Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a You, Who Are Innocent What Have You Done Worth 1998 Catchphraze Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a More Songs About Planets And Trees 1990 Allied Recordings Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a We Come In Peace; More World Less Bank Pt. 2 2004 Halvfabrikat / Blinddead Product Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt, 1000 Send Email 
V/a More Noise By Nice Boys 1997 Existence Decay, Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1025 Send Email 
V/a Regurgitation 1997 Sludge Records, Bad Card Recors Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
V/a All Flags Burning 1997 Disoppress Records Very Good 0.00 White Cover Send Email 
V/a Quebec Crusde For Auditive Savagery Proliferatio 1994 Doomsday Machine Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
V/a Reality 1996 Deep Six Excellent 0.00 First Press Send Email 
V/a Why Must We Die For Your Palate? 1999 Dire/action Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Twin Cities Hardcore 2007 2007 Give Praise Records Excellent 0.00 Yellow Send Email 
V/a Carbon 14 Magazine Issue #8 1996 Carbon 14 Excellent 0.00 Neurosis/Napalm Death/Unsane/Limecell Send Email 
V/a Scapegoat Omnibus 1998 Scapegoat Records Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
V/a Lippajärvi Kokoelma Ep 1999 Brew Records, Kämäset Levyt, Sar Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Why Must We Die For Your Palate? 1999 Dire/action Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Welcome To Minneapolis 2012 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Marble, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
V/a Benefit For Beer 1991 Swill Records Good 0.00  Send Email 
Vaaska Futuro Primitivo 2016 Beach Impediment Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Vaaska Inocentes Condenados 2019 Beach Impediment Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Vacant Life Pain Compliance 2015 Iron Lung Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 480 Send Email 
Vaccuum Self Titled 2011 Lengua Armada Discos Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
Vägra Refuse Ep 2017 Brain Solvent Propaganda Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Våldsamt Motstånd Self Titled 2014 Högre Tempo Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Vallenfyre The Great Divide 2014 Decibel Flexi Series Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Varix I Can't Get Out! 2013 Fashionable Idiots Excellent 0.00 Grey Marble Send Email 
Varix Self Titled 2011 Discos Basura Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Varukers, The The Varukers E.p. 2016 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Varukers, The Die For Your Government 2016 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Varukers, The Massacred Millions 2016 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Varukers, The Led To The Slaughter 2016 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Varukers, The I Don't Wanna Be A Victim! 2016 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Varukers, The No Hope Of A Future 2016 Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Varukers, The Blood Money 2017 Negative Insight Zine Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Vatican-city Syndrome / Agathocles Entartete Kunst - Ep / Yukmouth Rises Again 2013 ¡zas! Autoproduzioni, Hecatombe, Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Venganza Sin Perdon 2014 Discos Enfermos Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 525 Send Email 
Venowl No Honour 2012 King Of The Monsters Excellent 0.00 Grey, Lmt. 220 Send Email 
Vicious, The Obsessive 2006 Feral Ward Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Vicious, The Igen 2007 Feral Ward Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Victim No Salvation 2001 Ministry Of Peace Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Victims Lies Lies Lies 2009 Deathwish Inc. Excellent 0.00 Second Pressing, Clear Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Victims Harder Than It Was Meant To Be 2000 Yellow Dog Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Viimeinen Kolonna Onnellisuus Ahdistaa 2001 Fight Records, Kämäset Levyt Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Viimeinen Kolonna Totuuden Kitkerä Siemen 2012 Roku Records, Havoc Records Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Viimeinen Kolonna Luonnoton Poistuma 2011 Roku, Gasmas, Psychedelica Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Viimeinen Kolonna / Kurwa Aparata Split 2005 Kämäset Levyt, Ruidosa Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Viimeinen Kolonna / Nailbiter Split 2002 Fight Records, Kämäset Levyt Excellent 0.00 Alternate Nailbiter Artwork, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Violent End Self Titled 2013 Lengua Armada Discos Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Vittna Self Titled 2018 Bunker Punks Discs & Tapes Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Vittu Ei Kiitos Self Titled 2004 Höhnie Records Excellent 0.00 First Press. White, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Vivid Sekt Horde B/w Runaways 2011 Shock! Horror! ‎ Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Vivid Sekt Who Protects Us From Ourselves? 2016 Black Water Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Vivid Sekt / Bog People Vivid Sekt / Chaos Tribes 2010 Fear Of War Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 450 Send Email 
Vivisektio Ydintalvi 2016 Papagájův Hlasate, Kämäset Levyt Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Vivisick Punks Were Made Before Sounds 2001 Sound Pollution Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Vivisick Punks Were Made Before Sounds 2004 Busted Heads Records Very Good 0.00 Reissue, Red Send Email 
War Master Thrones Of Tyranny 2010 Torture Garden Picture Company Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
War//plague Smolder - Maleviolent Winds (from The West) 2010 Active Rebellion Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
War//plague / Vastation United In Darkness 2015 Profane Existence, Organize And Arise Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Warchild No Victory In Death 2019 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Warcollapse Bound To Die 2021 Phobia Records, Byebye Productions Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Warcollapse Wandering In Darkness 1996 Scream Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Warcollapse Scrap, Scrap And Unforgivable Slaughter 2003 Blood First Family Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Warcollapse Indoctri-nation 1993 Elderberry Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Warcry Needle Zero Drone Ii 2014 Warcry Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Warcry Harvest Of Death 2003 Partners In Crime Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Warcupid Self Titled 2013 Terrötten Records, Imminent Dest Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Warhead Cry Of Truth 2016 Farewell Records, Break The Reco Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black Send Email 
Warhead Acceleration / This World Of Confusion 2011 Hg Fact, La Vida Es Un Mus, Fera Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1600 Send Email 
Warning Protest And... Still They Die? 1991 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Warsick Wasteland 2015 Rotting Head Records Excellent 0.00 Flexi, #117/200 Send Email 
Warsore Brutal Reprisal 2003 Psychotherapy Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Warsore / I.r.f. Suicide Bomber / Wreck 1998 Nat Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Warthog Self Titled 2021 Beach Impediment Records Excellent 0.00 Repress, Blue, Lmt. 750 Send Email 
Warthog Self Titled 2022 Toxic State Records Excellent 0.00 Blue Send Email 
Warthreat And The Children 2014 Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Wartorn Adolf Bushler 2005 Crimes Against Humanity Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Wartorn Prey For Salvation 2007 Cah / Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Grey Marble, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Wartorn Domestic Terrorist 2013 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Wartorn / Los Dolares Split 2008 Noske/deskontentol/fight For Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Warvictims Bellum Se Ipsum Alet 2008 Phobia, D-takt & Råpunk, Hardcor Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Warvictims / Tortyr Split Seven Inch 2007 D-takt & Råpunk Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Wasted On The Brink 1998 Grey Days, Brown Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Weaving The Deathbag Inoculation 2004 Hungry Ghosts Records / Kangaroo Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Weaving The Deathbag Self Titled 2002 Hungry Ghosts Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Weaving The Deathbag Lost In The World 2003 Born To Die Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Weaving The Deathbag Devils Punchline 2003 Kangaroo Records Mint 0.00  Send Email 
Whore Daddy O's, The Kill Your Stepdad 2002 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Green Send Email 
Whorehouse Of Representantives Its A Corporate World After All 1994 Unyelliman Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Whorehouse Of Representatives Your Alcohol Taxes At Work 1997 Sabotage; Earth Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Witchknot Suck 1994 Flat Earth Records Excellent 0.00 lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Wojczech / Social Chaos Split 2017 Power It Up, Criminal Attack Rec Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Wolfbrigade/ Audio Kollaps Split 2000 Epistrophy Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Words That Burn Profit$ Of The Chri$t 2004 Crimes Against Humanity Excellent 0.00 Grey Marble #57/100 Send Email 
World Burns To Death "human Meat...tossed To The Dogs Of War" 2002 Prank Excellent 0.00 First Press, White Send Email 
World Burns To Death No Dawn Comes... Night Without End 2003 Hardcore Holocaust Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 2400 Send Email 
World Burns To Death The Art Of Self-destruction 2002 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
World Burns To Death 戦争はいつまでも続くであろう... (the War Can Go On Forever) 2009 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
World Burns To Death Self Titled 2002 Fight Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
World Burns To Death / Blowback Split 2009 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Blue / Clear Split, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
World Burns To Death / Sick Terror Prague/ando Para Sempre / Um Nada Indiferente 2003 Terrötten Records Very Good 0.00 Blue / Green splatter, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
World Downfall 6 Trx Ep 2003 Agromosh Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
World Downfall / Nashgul Split 2007 Power It Up Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Wormwood Behemoth 2006 Krex7ation Records Excellent 0.00 2x7", Reissue Send Email 
Wormwood / Fall Of The Bastards Split 2003 Parasitic Records Excellent 0.00 Black, #267/500 Send Email 
Wormwood / Teen Cthulhu Split 2003 Accident Prone Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Xpozez Democrazy 2002 Ponk-111 Excellent 0.00 Black, First Press, Lmt. 300, #35/300 Send Email 
Yacøpsæ Krank Ist Normal E.p. 1994 Rødel Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1200 Send Email 
Yacøpsæ / Your Kingdom Is Doomed Untitled / Dezenfekte 2006 Institut Für Mentale Hygiene Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Yadokai Self Titled 2011 Video Disease Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Ydintuho Warheads, Thunder And Blood E.p. 2017 Phobia Records, Ground Zero 9360 Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Ydintuho / Ydinaseeton Pohjola Split 2019 Ground Zero 93600, Nightstick Justice Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Yhteiskunnan Ystävät? Porojen Maa 2009 Roku Records, Mosh Part Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Yuppiecrusher No Commercial Value 1997 Insect Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Yuppiecrusher No Sir, I Wont 1997 Elderberry Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Yuppiecrusher / Intervenzione Split 1998 Död & Uppsvälld Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Zatsuon Violent Noiz Life 2012 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Zatsuon Violent Noiz Life 2012 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Zero The Mirrors 2015 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Show release addition, w/ mirror lmt. 40 Send Email 
Zero All Seeing Eyes B/w Paradox 2015 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Zero Hour Self Titled 1994 Spiral Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Zoe From Hell 2003 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Zounds This Land / Alone 2001 Mclabel Records, Active Distribution, Rugger Bugger Discs Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Zudas Krust / Parötid Desire Of Destruction: Split Ep 2019 Phobia, Rawmantic Disasters, Not Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Zyanose Loveless 2008 Crust War Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Zyanose Isolation 2012 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Zyanose / Enzyme Permanent Damage Ep 2019 Hardcore Victim Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
ασσαυλτ (assault) Martyrdom 2001 Partners In Crime Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
تكبير (taqbir) Self Titled 2021 La Vida Es Un Mus Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
あぶらだこ (aburadako) Self Titled 2017 Crowmaniax Excellent 0.00 Clear, Lmt. 400, W/ Postcard Send Email 
ジャバラ (jabara) / Messed Up Best Of ジャバラ / Messed Up 1999 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00 Flexi Send Email 
ジャバラ* / @patia No Split 2000 Hg Fact Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
ナックル ヘッド (knuckle Head) – 業音 (gouo) 2002 Mcr Company Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
ナックル ヘッド (knuckle Head) 虫けらの時間 1998 Hg Fact Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
ネメシス (nemesis) 暁鐘 / Gyou-shou 2013 Ratbone, Solar Funeral, Flower O Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
ネメシス (nemesis) 慟哭 2011 Flower Of Carnage, Ratbone Recor Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
突撃戦車 (totsugeki Sensya) Chain Of Tragedy 2011 Lengua Armada Discos Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
羅生門 (rashōmon) Demo 2017 2017 Society Bleeds Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
自我 (ziga) Self Titled 2020 Fanclub Release Excellent 0.00 Flexi, S/Sided Send Email 
鉄アレイ (tetsu Arrey) / Warhead 鉄弾頭2015 2015 Farewell Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
@patia No / Fallas Del Sistema Split 2005 Alerta Antifascista, Noseke, Des Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Black, Lmt. 530 Send Email 
Alehammer Mine's A Pint Of Crust 2007 Agipunk Excellent 0.00 W/ Coaster Send Email 
Anatomia Shreds Of Putrefaction 2009 Nuclear War Now! Productions Very Good 0.00 Green Translucent Send Email 
Avskum / Reality Crisis Waiting For Another Bloodbath 2000 Answer Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
BesthÖven Born To Kill 2010 Symphony Of Destruction, I Feel  Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 515 Send Email 
Beyond Description / Detestation Usa Meets Japan 1998 Wicked Witch Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Boris The Sprinkler Gratuitous 1998 Summer Tour 10-inch 1998 Clearview Records Very Good 0.00 Single Sided, Etched, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Born Dead Icons New Scream Industry 2001 Stonehenge Records Excellent 0.00 First Press, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Brünner Todesmarsch Legální Lágry, Ilegální Lidé 2017 Phobia Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Carcass Despicable 2020 Nuclear Blast Excellent 0.00 Blue Electric, Lmt. 2250 Send Email 
Catheter / Massgrave Split 2012 Catheter / Massgrave ‎(10", Re)  Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Cetascean Crows 2013 Mercy Of Slumber, What Is Making Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Cluster Bomb Unit Self Titled 1996 Thought Crime Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1500 Send Email 
Coffins Colossal Hole 2013 Horror Pain Gore Death Productio Excellent 0.00 #274/500 Send Email 
Cruciamentum Convocation Of Crawling Chaos` 2011 Nuclear Winter Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Limited 1000 Send Email 
Disgusting Lies Dont Ask, Just Listen! 2002 Angry / Agipunk Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Diskonto / Abuse Split 1997 Consume, Be Silent, Die Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Dissystema / Earth Today The Final Reward / Untitled 2004 Undislessed Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Dj Shadow Vs. Keane We Might As Well Be Strangers 2005 Interscope Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Doom / Cress Split 1998 Flat Earth Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Exhumed / Gatecreeper Split 2019 Relapse Records Excellent 0.00 Green Neon, Lmt. 1300 Send Email 
Exhumed / Gruesome Twisted Horror 2020 Relapse Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Facedowninshit / Cold Electric Fire Split 2002 The Circle Game Mint 0.00 Orange lmt. 550 Send Email 
Gride / Sidetracked Split 2014 Insane Society Records Very Good 0.00 Blue Lettering, Lmt. 105 Send Email 
Guernica Y Luno Wszystkie Sztandary Tak Mocno Już Zostały Splami 1998 Nikt Nic Nie Wie Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Guts Pie Earshot Self Titled 1995 Revolution Inside Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Health Hazard Self Titled 1994 Flat Earth Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Hellshock / Effigy Usa Meets Japan - Split 2006 Wicked Witch Excellent 0.00 lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Hirax Blasted In Bangkok 2001 Deep Six Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Human Order / Shackles Away Split 2003 Cataclysm Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 550 Send Email 
Kriegstanz Self Titled 2003 Wasted Youth Power Records, Opia Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Mc5 Power Trip 1994 Alive Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Parr, Charlie I Ain't Dead Yet 2016 Red House Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Phobia Destroying The Masses 1999 Pessimiser Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Physique The Rhythm Of Brutality 2019 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Riistetyt Orjat Ja Kurjat 2003 Fight Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Rot / Yaköpse Daily Life Monotony / Untitled 2000 T.v.g. Records Very Good 0.00 Mispress Send Email 
Rotten Sound Loosin' Face 1996 Anomie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Ruination Let The Mother Fucker Burn. 2001 Youth Attack! Very Good 0.00 U$A Shaped, Clear, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Rupture / Gorgonized Dorks Safe Ape 2012 Agromosh Records, Gothic Gospel  Very Good 0.00 #496/500 Send Email 
Sakè Self Titled 1996 Zafio Records, Hopscotch Records Good 0.00  Send Email 
Silna Wola Chaos 1996 Malarie Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Skitsystem Ondskans Ansikte 1996 Distortion Records Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt 930 Send Email 
Social Infestation Lasciate Ogni Speranza 2000 Goat Lord Records  0.00  Send Email 
Sodom Partisan 2018 Steamhammer Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Submachine 10" That Hurt 1996 Ci Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Svart Snö / Atomvinter Atomvinter & Svart Snö 1996 Fäk Åff Räkårds Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Terveet KÄdet Ihmisen Poika, Pedon Poika 2009 Kämäset Levyt Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Token Tantrum Cancer Of Life 2000 Elderberry Records Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Total Fury Committed To The Core 2003 Youth Attack Excellent 0.00 S/Side, Etched Send Email 
Tribes Of Neurot God Of The Center 1997 Conspiracy Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Uncurbed Ackord För Frihet / Chords For Freedom 2003 Yellow Dog Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
V/a Fallen Upon Deaf Ears 1994 Skull Duggery Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Warvictims / Till Death Split 2009 Burnt Bridges Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Wolfbrigade Wolfpack Years 2003 Farewell Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1200 Send Email 
Yacøpsæ / Irate Architect Split 2015 Haunted Hotel Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Yacøpsæ / Razors 10" Live 2014 Power It Up Excellent 0.00 Black, #345/500 Send Email 
@patia No El Ruido De Antes... Contra Los Opresores De Sie 2003 Alerta Antifascista, Skuld Relea Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1954 Send Email 
3-way Cum Killing The Life 1996 Sound Pollution Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
A.p.p.l.e. Plutocracy = Tyranny & Exploitation 1988 Vinyl Communications Very Good 0.00 Missing Booklet Send Email 
A//political The Greatest Working Crass Rip-off 2010 Threat To Existence/hell On Eart Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Aaritila …ja Kaikki Kuitenkin Päättyy Kuolemaan! 2003 1000 Db, Partners In Crime Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Aaritila …ennen Huomista, Tänä Tuomiopäivänä… 2008 Feral Ward Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Abaddon Life Out Of Balance 2009 Sacred Plague Records Excellent 0.00 Purple, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Abba Arrival 1976 Atlantic Good 0.00  Send Email 
Abc Weapons The Process Of Decay 2005 Endless Blockades Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Aberrant / D.e.r. Split 2012 Too Many!!! Very Good 0.00 Solid Blue with splatter Send Email 
Abnormi Loisen Taivas 2006 Assel Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Abrasive Wheels When The Punks Go Marching In 1997 Get Back Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Abscess / Population Reduction Split 2010 Tankcrimes Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Absolut / Svaveldioxid Split 2017 Phobia Records, Konton Crasher Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 800 Send Email 
Absurd Ss Self Titled 2020 Rawmantic Disasters, Burning Ang Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro Herencia 2001 Six Weeks Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Abuso Sonoro / Amor, Protesto Y Odio Infância Armada Bewaffnete Kinderzeit Enfance Ar 1998 Self Released Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Ac/dc For Those About To Rock 1981 Atlantic Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Ac/dc Back In Black 1980 Atlantic Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Ac4 Sefl Titled 2010 Deranged Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Acephalix Theothanatology 2022 20 Buck Spin Excellent 0.00 Clear With Red [Oxblood] Smoke Send Email 
Acephalix Decreation 2017 20 Buck Spin Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Acephalix Aporia 2009 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Acephalix Interminable Night 2011 Agipunk Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 850 Send Email 
Acrostix (a Chain Of) Hatred 2007 Whisper In Darkness Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 900 Send Email 
Active Minds Free To Be Chained 1997 Loony Tunes Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 3000 Send Email 
Actives Deactivated 2020 Puke N Vomit Records Excellent 0.00 Blak, Lmt. 350 Send Email 
Actives Riot E.p. / Wait & See E.p. 2017 Puke N Vomit Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Acursed Tunneln I Ljusets Slut 2007 Prank Excellent 0.00 Clear/Grey Smoked Send Email 
Acursed / Fallout Dødsdømd / Another Week In Jonestown. 2002 Putrid Filth Conspiracy Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Acute みだら 2019 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
After The Bombs Relentless Onslaught 2007 The Total End Records, Vex Recor Excellent 0.00 Gatefold Send Email 
Against Welcome To The Aftermath 2018 Radio Raheem, Coladicto Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 623 Send Email 
Against Empire / Iskra Bring The War Home 2007 Threat To Existence, Mangled Ank Very Good 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Agathocles Mincing Through The Maples 2016 Animate Records ‎ Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Agathocles Razor Sharp Daggers 2013 Apathic View Productions Excellent 0.00 Reissue, 180gm, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Agathocles / Capital Scum Split 2019 Power It Up Excellent 0.00 S/Sided, Grey Send Email 
Agathocles / Disorder Mimic Your Masters / Chaos & Disorder 2016 Power It Up Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Agathocles / H.407 For What? For Wh? 2018 N.i.c., Grindfather Productions, Excellent 0.00 Green Transparent Send Email 
Agathocles / Unholy Grave Agatho Grave 2003 Death Agony And Screams Excellent 0.00 Red, #11/100 Send Email 
Agathocles / Unholy Grave Protect / Rotten World But No Bore Shit! 2000 Insane Society Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Age The Scar Of Lead 2008 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Blue Marbled, #191/200, Screen Printed over lay Send Email 
Aghast Blood Opinion 2012 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Aghast Deformities  Agipunk Very Good 0.00 Yellow w/ Green Splatter, Lmt 200 Send Email 
Agoni En Röst För Fred 1984-1986 2022 De:nihil Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Agrimonia Self Titled 2008 Skuld Releases Excellent 0.00 First Press Send Email 
Alehammer Barmageddon 2013 Agipunk Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Alement Onward 2020 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Alien Boys Night Danger 2019 Desolate Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Allergy Smog 2017 Bloody Master Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Ambush Self Titled 2018 Diabolus Excellent 0.00 S/Sided, Black Send Email 
Amebix Arise! 2000 Alternative Tentacles Very Good 0.00 W/ Bonus 7" Send Email 
Amebix Redux 2010 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Amebix Monolith 2010 Back On Black Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Gatefold, Clear, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Amebix Knights Of The Black Sun 2011 Profane Existence Mint 0.00 S/Sided, Laser Etched, Lmt. 2000 Send Email 
Amebix Make Some Fucking Noise  Bootleg Very Good 0.00 Black Cover Send Email 
Amebix Arise! 1985 Alternative Tenticles Excellent 0.00 Missing Insert, Original Press Send Email 
Amebix No Sanctuary - The Spiderleg Recordings 2008 Alternative Tenticles Excellent 0.00 Bonus 7" Send Email 
Amebix The Power Remains 1993 Skuld Releases Very Good 8.00  Send Email 
Amen Memento Mori 1996 Ecocentric Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Amenaça Demo 2009 2011 Discos Enfermos, Social Napalm,  Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 520 Send Email 
Anatomia / Undergang Split 2022 Me Saco Un Ojo Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Angry Mob The Genocide Continues 2013 Rawmantic Disasters Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Antediluvian Under Wing Of Asael 2011 Parasitic Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, 180gm, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Anti Pasti Caution In The Wind 2000 Get Back Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Anti-cimex Scandinavian Jawbreaker 2014 Spicoli Discos, Nada Nada Discos Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black Send Email 
Anti-cimex Self Titled 2014 Spicoli Discos, Nada Nada Discos Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Anti-cimex Victims Of A Bomb Raid 1982-1984 2018 Back On Black Excellent 0.00 Clear Send Email 
Anti-cimex The Complete Demos Collection 1982 - 1983 2021 Sonarize Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Anti-system No Laughing Matter 2010 Antisociety Very Good 0.00 Reissue, Black, Lmt. 700 Send Email 
Anti-system At What Price Is Freedom? 2017 Boss Tuneage Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Antihero / Nashgul Split 2007 Cooperaccion Records, Khhapspmch Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Antiproduct The Deafening Silence Of Grinding Gears 1999 Tribal Warfare Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Antischism Still Life 1999 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black Send Email 
Antischism / Subvert Thinning The Herd 1991 Mind Control Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Antisect Demos / Live - 1982 2010 Antisociety Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Antisect In Darknesss, There Is No Choice 1984 Southern Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Apeface / Zero Hour Split 1995 Vinehell Records Excellent 0.00 Repress Send Email 
Appalachian Terror Unit Greenwashing 2008 Profane Existence / Vex Excellent 0.00 Green, Lmt. 550 Send Email 
Appalachian Terror Unit We Don't Need Them 2015 Profane Existence, Skuld Release Excellent 0.00 Gatefold, Black Send Email 
Appäratus Absürd 19 2019 Rawmantic Disasters, Wild Wild E Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Appäratus Härdcore Religion! 2010 Shogun Records Excellent 0.00 Green Cover, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Appäratus / Svart Ut Law Of Ratts.... Supersonik ? / Risken Att Köpa  2018 Rawmantic Disasters Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Appendix Ei Raha Oo Mun Valuuttaa 2021 Puke N Vomit Records ‎ Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black, Lmt. 650 Send Email 
Apsurd Derealizacija / Svemu Će Doći Kraj 2020 Doomtown Records Excellent 0.00 Screen Print Cover, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Arctic Flowers Procession 2012 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Arctic Flowers Reveries 2011 Inimical Records Excellent 0.00 Repress, Green, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
Arctic Flowers Procession 2018 Self Released Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Purple Marble, Lmt. 100 Send Email 
Argue Damnation Direct Action Now 2000 Mcr Company Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 1100 Send Email 
Armagedom Sem Esperanças 2008 Insane Society Records Very Good 0.00 Lmt. 600 Send Email 
Armagedom / Forca Macabra Split 1999 Six Weeks Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Armistice / Ciril Split 2000 Know Records Very Good 0.00 Gray Splatter Send Email 
Articles Of Faith Give Thanks 1984 Reflex Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Artimus Pyle Civil Dead 2000 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Artimus Pyle Fucked From Birth 2003 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Asbestos The Final Solution.... 2022 F.o.a.d. Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black, Lmt. 250 Send Email 
Asocial Död Åt Kapitalismen 2017 F.o.a.d. Records Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 200 Send Email 
Asocial Religion Sucks 2016 Radiation Reissues Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Asocial Terror Fabrication / Instinct Of Surviva Split 2018 Doomed To Extinction Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Assassinators, The Sigt Efter Hjertet 2008 Alerta Antifascista, Rebel Scene Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1700 Send Email 
Asschapel Total Worship 2001 Twitch Records Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Asschapel Fire And Destruction 2003 Hungry Ghost Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Assfort Ejaculation 1995 Disciple, Vinyl Japan Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Assfort Complete Assforterly 1999 Discipline, Vinyl Japan Excellent 0.00 Picture Disc Send Email 
Assfort / Chaos U.k The Dangerous Study 2001 Discipline, Vinyl Japan Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Assuck Anticapital 1991 Sound Pollution Records Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Asta Kask Med Is I Magen 2018 Gaphals, Kloakens Alternativa An Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Red Send Email 
Asta Kask Rock Mot Svinen 2000 Höhnie Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Asta Kask Aldrig En Lp 2012 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Purple Send Email 
At The Gates To Drink From The Night Itself 2018 Century Media Excellent 0.00 Blue, Lmt. 300 Send Email 
At The Gates The Nightmare Of Being 2021 Century Media Excellent 0.00 White, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
At The Gates With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness 2013 Peaceville Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
At The Gates At War With Reality 2014 Century Media Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Atavistic Vanishing Point 1990 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Atrocious Madness Total Control 2002 Wicked Witch Records Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Attack Ss Welcome To Deathdust Island 2019 Distort Reality Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Audio Kollaps Ultima Ratio 2002 Epistrophy Excellent 0.00 Red, #551/666 Send Email 
Audio Kollaps Music From An Extreme Sick World 2004 Epistrophy Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Aus Rotten The System Works For Them 1996 Rotten Propaganda Excellent 0.00 White Send Email 
Aus Rotten ...and Now Back To Our Programming 1998 Tribal Warfare Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Aus Rotten The Rotten Agenda 2001 Rotten Propaganda Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Autopsy Puncturing The Grotesque 2017 Peaceville Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Autoritär / Warsore Autoritär / Psychoscmatic 2010 T.v.g, Psychocontrol, Yellow Dog Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Black, Lmt. 400 Send Email 
Avskum In The Spirit Of Mass Destruction 2000 Prank Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Avskum Punkista 2003 Prank Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Blue Send Email 
Avskum Uppror Underifrån 2008 Prank Records Excellent 0.00 Purple Send Email 
Axegrinder Rise Of The Serpentmen 2001 Bootleg Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Axewield Wisdom Of Doom 2010 Crust War Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Axiom Apathy & Privilege 2000 Tribal War Records Very Good 0.00 Black Send Email 
Axiom* / Church Of Nihil / Autonomia 3 Way Split Lp 1999 Gasmask Records, Catchphraze Rec Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bacteria 28 Trax Demo 2016 Regurgitated Semen Records Excellent 0.00 S/Sided (no screen-print), Lmt. 666, Send Email 
Bad Breeding Human Capital 2022 One Little Independent Records, Iron Lung Records Excellent 0.00 Red, Lmt. 500 Send Email 
Bakounine / Diskobra No Hope In Future No Future In Hope 2017 Too Many To List!  0.00  Send Email 
Barricade Where Is The Truth 1997 Hg Fact Very Good 0.00  Send Email 
Bastard Sons Of Apocalypse Strangled By The System 2008 Todo Destruido, Adelante Discos Excellent 0.00 Lmt. 525, Silkcreened cover Send Email 
Bastards Järjetön Maailma (insane World) 2006 Assel, Höhnie, Propaganda Very Good 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Bathory Self Titled 2010 Black Mark Production Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Bathory The Return... 2013 Black Mark Productions Excellent 0.00 Reissue, 180gm Send Email 
Bauhaus In The Flat Feilds 2008 4ad / 180 Vinyl Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Remaster, #0060 Send Email 
Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4 / Salieris Air  Stereovox Productions  0.00  Send Email 
Beethoven Moonlight / Appassionata / Pathetique  Columbia  0.00  Send Email 
Behemoth Demigod 2014 Peaceville Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, 180gm Send Email 
Behemoth The Apostasy 2018 Peaceville Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Behemoth I Loved You At Your Darkest 2019 Metal Blade Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue, Red Send Email 
Behind Enemy Lines One Nation Under The Iron Fist Of God 2006 Profane Existence Excellent 0.00 Black, Lmt. 1600 Send Email 
Behind Enemy Lines Know Your Enemy 2002 Tribal Warfare / Behind... Excellent 0.00 First Pressing, Red Send Email 
Behind Enemy Lines The Global Cannibal 2004 Antagony Media Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bell Witch Demo 2011 2015 Flenser Records Excellent 0.00 Reissue Send Email 
Bellicose Minds, The The Creature 2016 Black Water Records, Self Releas Excellent 0.00  Send Email 
Bellicose Minds, The The Spine 2013 Black Water Excellent 0.00 Black Send Email 
Belphegor Totenritual 2017 Nuclear Blast Excellent 0.00 Bronze with Black Splatter, Lmt. 300, Indie store exclusive Send Email 
Belphegor Necrodaemon Terrorsathan 2020 Nuclear Blast Excellent 0.00 Grey, Lmt. 1000 Send Email 
Belphegor Blood Magick Necromance 2011 Nuclear Blast Excellent 0.00&nbs